- If you are in Hong Kong to do work, then you’re away on business. The word business can refer to the activities you perform for your job.
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- n. 商业;生意;事情
1. business contacts, business affairs, business interests
2. a business investment
3. It's been a pleasure to do business with you.
4. She works in the computer business.
5. a business lunch
6. Business was bad.
7. Business was booming.
8. to have a business, to start a business, to run a business
9. It is the business of the police to protect the community.
10. the main business of the meeting
11. That plane crash was a terrible business.
- business (n.) Old English bisignes (Northumbrian) "care, anxiety, occupation," from bisig "careful, anxious, busy, occupied, diligent" (see busy (adj.)) + -ness. The original sense is obsolete, as is the Middle English sense of "state of being much occupied or engaged" (mid-14c.), the latter replaced by busyness. Johnson's dictionary also has busiless "At leisure; without business; unemployed." Modern two-syllable pronunciation is 17c.
busi·ness ★ / ˈbɪznəs ; NAmE ˈbɪznəs / noun trade 贸易 1 ★ [uncountable ] the activity of making, buying, selling or supplying goods or services for money 商业;买卖;生意 SYN commerce SYN trade ◆ business contacts/affairs/interests 商业联系╱事务╱利益 ◆ a business investment 商业投资 ◆ It's been a pleasure to do business withyou. 和你做买卖很愉快。 ◆ She has set up in businessas a hairdresser. 她已经开店当理发师。 ◆ When he left school, he went into businesswith his brother. 他毕业后和他哥哥去经商了。 ◆ She works in the computer business. 她从事电脑业。 ☞see also agribusiness , big business , show business work 工作 2 ★ [uncountable ] work that is part of your job 商务;公事 ◆ Is the trip to Rome business or pleasure? 这次去罗马是公干还是游玩? ◆ a business lunch 商务午餐 ◆ He's away on business. 他出差去了。 3 ★ [uncountable ] the amount of work done by a company, etc; the rate or quality of this work 营业额;贸易额 ◆ Business was bad. 生意不景气。 ◆ Business was booming. 生意兴隆。 ◆ Her job was to drum up (= increase)business. 她的工作是提高营业额。 ◆ How's business? 生意如何? company 公司 4 ★ [countable ] a commercial organization such as a company, shop/store or factory 商业机构;企业;公司;商店;工厂 ◆ to have/start/run a business 拥有╱开办╱经营企业 ◆ business premises 商务场址 ◆ She works in the family business. 她在家族的企业工作。 ◆ They've got a small catering business. 他们从事小规模的餐宴承办业务。 responsibility 职责 5 ★ [uncountable ] something that concerns a particular person or organization 归(某人或某机构)管的事;职责 ◆ It is the business of the police to protect the community. 警察的职责是保护社会。 ◆ I shall make it my businessto find out who is responsible. 我要亲自查出是谁的责任。 ◆ My private life is none of your business (= does not concern you). 我的私生活与你无关。 ◆ It's no business of yourswho I invite to the party. 你无权过问我邀请谁参加聚会。 important matters 要事 6 ★ [uncountable ] important matters that need to be dealt with or discussed (需要处理或讨论的)重要事情,要点 ◆ the main business of the meeting 会议的主要议题 ◆ He has some unfinished businessto deal with. 他还要处理一些尚未了结的事务。 event 事情 7 [singular ] ( usually with an adjective 通常与形容词连用 ) a matter, an event or a situation 事情;事件;状况 ◆ That plane crash was a terrible business. 那次飞机坠毁是十分可怕的事。 ◆ I found the whole business very depressing. 我觉得整件事令人沮丧。 ◆ The business of the missing tickets hasn't been sorted out. 遗失票这件事还没解决呢。 being a customer 消费 8 ( especially NAmE) ( also BrE , formal cus·tom ) [uncountable ] the fact of a person or people buying goods or services at a shop/store or business (顾客对商店的)惠顾,光顾 ◆ We're grateful for your business. 感谢您光顾本店。 IDIOMS any other ˈbusiness the things that are discussed at the end of an official meeting that do not appear on the agenda (会议结束前)议程以外的议题 ◆ I think we've finished item four. Now is there any other business? 我想我们已经讨论完第四项。还有其他要讨论的吗? ☞see also AOB be in ˈbusiness ( informal) to have everything that you need in order to be able to start sth immediately 准备就绪 ◆ All we need is a car and we'll be in business. 我们所需要的只是一辆车,然后我们就准备就绪了。 be the ˈbusiness ( informal) to be very good 很好 business as ˈusual a way of saying that things will continue as normal despite a difficult situation (尽管处境困难)一切照常,不受干扰 ˌbusiness is ˈbusiness a way of saying that financial and commercial matters are the important things to consider and you should not be influenced by friendship, etc. 公事公办 get down to ˈbusiness to start dealing with the matter that needs to be dealt with, or doing the work that needs to be done 着手处理正事;开始认真工作 go about your ˈbusiness to do the things that you normally do 忙自己的事;做通常做的事 ◆ streets filled with people going about their daily business 挤满为日常工作奔忙的人的街道 have no business doing sth | have no business to do sth to have no right to do sth 无权做某事 ◆ You have no business being here. 你无权待在这里。 like ˈnobody's business ( BrE) ( informal) very much, very fast, very well, etc. 非常;很多;很快;很好 ◆ I've been working like nobody's business to get it finished in time. 为按时完成任务,我一直在快马加鞭地工作。 not be in the business of doing sth not intending to do sth (which it would be surprising for you to do) 无意做某事 ◆ I'm not in the business of getting other people to do my work for me. 我无意让别人替我工作。 out of ˈbusiness having stopped operating as a business because there is no more money or work available 停业;歇业 ◆ The new regulations will putmany small businesses out of business. 新法规将使很多小企业关闭。 ◆ Some travel companies will probably go out of businessthis summer. 今年夏天一些旅游公司很可能歇业。 ☞more at mean v. , mind v. , ply v. COLLOCATIONS 词语搭配 Business 商业 Running a business 经营企业 ■ buy/acquire/own/sella company/firm/franchise 收购/获得/拥有/出售公司/商行/特许经销权 ■ set up/establish/ start/start up/launcha business/company 创办企业/公司 ■ run/operatea business/company/franchise 经营企业/公司/专卖店 ■ head/runa firm/department/team 管理公司/部门/团队 ■ make/secure/win/blocka deal 达成/阻止一笔交易 ■ expand/grow/buildthe business 扩展业务 ■ boost/increaseinvestment/spending/sales/turnover/earnings/exports/trade 增加投资/支出/销售量/营业额/收入/出口/贸易 ■ increase/expandproduction/output/sales 增加产量/输出量/销售量 ■ boost/maximizeproduction/productivity/efficiency/income/revenue/profit/profitability 使产量/生产力/效率/收入/收益/利润/收益增加/最大化 ■ achieve/maintain/sustaingrowth/profitability 实现/维持/保持增长/收益 ■ cut/reduce/bring down/lower/slashcosts/prices 削减成本/价格 ■ announce/impose/makecuts/cutbacks 宣布/强制实行/实施削减 Sales and marketing 销售和市场营销 ■ break into/enter/capture/dominatethe market 打入/进入/占领/控制市场 ■ gain/grab/take/win/boost/losemarket share 取得/夺取/得到/赢得/增加/丢失市场份额 ■ find/build/createa market for sth 为某物找到/建立/开创市场 ■ start/launchan advertising/a marketing campaign 发起广告/营销宣传活动 ■ develop/launch/promotea product/website 开发/推出/推销产品/网站 ■ create/generatedemand for your product 为产品创造需求 ■ attract/get/retain/helpcustomers/clients 吸引/赢得/留住/帮助顾客/客户 ■ drive/generate/boost/increasedemand/sales 刺激/创造/提高/增加需求/销售量 ■ beat/keep ahead of/out-think/outperformthe competition 打败/领先于/智胜/胜过竞争对手 ■ meet/reach/exceed/misssales targets 完成/达到/超过/未达到销售目标 Finance 财务 ■ draw up/set/present/agree/approvea budget 起草/制订/提出/同意/批准预算 ■ keep to/balance/cut/reduce/slashthe budget 执行/平衡/削减/大幅削减预算 ■ be/come in below/under/over/withinbudget 未超出/超出预算;在预算之内 ■ generateincome/revenue/profit/funds/business 产生收益/利润/资金/营业额 ■ fund/financea campaign/a venture/an expansion/spending/a deficit 为活动/商业项目/扩张/开支/赤字提供资金 ■ provide/raise/allocatecapital/funds 提供/筹集/分配资金 ■ attract/encourageinvestment/investors 吸引/鼓励投资/投资者 ■ recover/recoupcosts/losses/an investment 收回成本/亏损/投资 ■ get/obtain/offer sb/grant sbcredit/a loan 获得/为某人提供/准予某人贷款 ■ apply for/raise/secure/arrange/providefinance 申请/筹集/获得/安排/提供资金 Failure 失败;不成功 ■ losebusiness/trade/customers/sales/revenue 失去生意/买卖/顾客/销量/收益 ■ accumulate/accrue/incur/run updebts 累积/积累/招致/积欠债务 ■ suffer/sustainenormous/heavy/serious losses 蒙受惨重损失 ■ facecuts/a deficit/redundancy/bankruptcy 面临削减/赤字/裁员/破产 ■ file for/( NAmE) enter/avoid/escapebankruptcy 申请/避免/幸免破产 ■ ( BrE) go intoadministration/liquidation 进入行政接管/清算 ■ liquidate/wind upa company 清算/关闭公司 ■ survive/weathera recession/downturn 艰难度过萧条期/衰退期 ■ propose/seek/block/opposea merger 提出/寻求/阻止/反对合并 ■ launch/make/accept/defeata takeover bid 发起/进行/接受/阻止收购投标 business businesses busi·ness / ˈbɪznəs ; NAmE ˈbɪznəs /
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