burn 英 [bɜ:n]   美 [bɜrn]


burn  英 [bɜ:n] 美 [bɜrn]

v. 燃烧; 

进行时:burning  过去式:burned  过去分词:burnt  第三人称单数:burns  名词复数:burns 

Fires were burning all over the city. 全城处处燃烧着大火。
Two children were rescued from the burning car. 两名儿童从燃烧着的车中被救了出来。

  • When things burn, they're on fire. People who live in the country sometimes burn leaves and brush, setting big piles alight until they're reduced to ash.
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  • v. 燃烧;
  • 1. Fires were burning all over the city.


  • 2. Two children were rescued from the burning car.


  • 3. to burn waste paper, to burn dead leaves


  • 4. Sorry—I burnt the toast.


  • 5. My skin burns easily .


  • 6. he soup is hot. Don't burn your mouth.


  • 7. He was burning to go climbing again.


  • burn (n.) c. 1300, "act or operation of burning," from Old English bryne, from the same source as burn (v.). Until mid-16c. the usual spelling was brenne. Meaning "mark or injury made by burning" is from 1520s. Slow burn first attested 1938, in reference to U.S. movie actor Edgar Kennedy (1890-1948), who made it his specialty.
  • burn (v.) early 12c., brennen, "be on fire, be consumed by fire; be inflamed with passion or desire, be ardent; destroy (something) with fire, expose to the action of fire, roast, broil, toast; burn (something) in cooking," of objects, "to shine, glitter, sparkle, glow like fire;" chiefly from Old Norse brenna "to burn, light," and also from two originally distinct Old English verbs: bærnan "to kindle" (transitive) and beornan "be on fire" (intransitive).
burn / bɜːn ; NAmE bɜːrn / verb , noun burn burns burned burnt burning verb ( burnt , burnt / bɜːnt ; NAmE bɜːrnt / or burned , burned / bɜːnd ; NAmE bɜːrnd / ) fire 1 [intransitive ] to produce flames and heat 燃烧;烧 A welcoming fire was burning in the fireplace. 壁炉里燃烧着暖融融的炉火。 Fires were burning all over the city. 全城处处燃烧着大火。 2 [intransitive ] ( used especially in the progressive tenses 尤用于进行时 ) to be on fire 着火;烧着 By nightfall the whole city was burning. 到黄昏时,全城已是一片火海。 Two children were rescued from the burning car. 两名儿童从燃烧着的车中被救了出来。 The smell of burning rubber filled the air. 空气中弥漫着橡胶燃烧的气味。 3 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to destroy, damage, injure or kill sb/sth by fire; to be destroyed, etc. by fire (使)烧毁,烧坏,烧伤,烧死 burn(sb/sth) to burn waste paper/dead leaves 焚烧废纸╱枯树叶 All his belongings were burnt in the fire. 他所有的财物都在大火中付之一炬。 The cigarette burned a hole in the carpet. 香烟把地毯烧了个洞。 The house was burnt to the ground (= completely destroyed). 那座房子彻底焚毁了。 The house burned to the ground. 房子被大火夷为平地。 Ten people burned to deathin the hotel fire. 旅馆火灾中有十人被烧死。 burnsb/sth + adj. His greatest fear is of being burnt alive. 他最怕的是被活活烧死。 fuel 燃料 4 [transitive ,  intransitive ] burn(sth) if you burna fuel, or a fuel burns,it produces heat, light or energy (使燃料)燃烧 a furnace that burns gas/oil/coke 煤气╱煤油╱焦炭熔炉 ( figurative) Some people burn calories (= use food to produce energy)faster than others. 有些人热量消耗得比其他人快。 Which fuel burns most efficiently? 哪种燃料燃烧效果最佳? food 食物 5 [intransitive ,  transitive ] if food burns,or if you burnit, it is spoiled because it gets too hot (使)烧焦,烧煳 I can smell something burning in the kitchen. 我闻到厨房里有东西烧焦了。 burnsth Sorry—I burnt the toast. 抱歉,我把面包烤煳了。 sun/heat/acid 太阳;热;酸 6 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to be damaged or injured by the sun, heat, acid, etc; to damage or injure sb/sth in this way (使)晒伤,烫伤,烧伤 My skin burns easily (= in the sun). 我的皮肤容易晒伤。 burnsb I got badly burned by the sun yesterday. 我昨天严重晒伤。 burnsth The soup's hot. Don't burn your mouth. 汤很热,别烫了嘴。 burnyourself I burned myself on the stove. 我被炉子烫了。 of part of body 身体部位 7 [intransitive ] if part of your body burnsor is burning,it feels very hot and painful 火辣辣地痛;发烫 Your forehead's burning. Have you got a fever? 你的前额很烫,你发烧了吗? Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. 她羞得面颊发烫。 synonyms at hurt of a light 8 [intransitive ] to produce light 发光;发亮 Lights were burning upstairs, but no one answered the door. 楼上亮着灯,但叫门没人回应。 feel emotion/desire 有情感╱热望 9 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( literary) to feel a very strong emotion or desire 有强烈的情感;渴望 burnwith sth to be burning with rage/ambition/love 满怀强烈的仇恨╱远大的抱负╱炽热的爱 burnto do sth He was burning to go climbing again. 他渴望再去爬山。 go fast 走得快 10 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. ( informal) to move very fast in a particular direction 向…迅速移动 The car was burning down the road. 汽车沿着公路疾驰而去。 make angry 使生气 11 [transitive ] burnsb ( NAmE) ( informal) to make sb very angry 激怒;使大怒 So you did it just to burn me? 这么说,你那样做只是为了气我? CD, etc. 光盘等 12 [transitive ,  intransitive ] burn(sth) (to sth) to put information onto a CD, etc. 刻录(光盘等) IDIOMS burn your ˈbridges ( BrE also burn your ˈboats ) to do sth that makes it impossible to return to the previous situation later 不留退路;破釜沉舟;背水而战 Think carefully before you resign—you don't want to burn your bridges. 辞职前要三思,你得给自己留条退路。 burn the candle at both ˈends to become very tired by trying to do too many things and going to bed late and getting up early 过度劳累;起早贪黑而疲惫不堪 burn your ˈfingers | get your ˈfingers burnt to suffer as a result of doing sth without realizing the possible bad results, especially in business (尤指生意上)没有先见之明而蒙受损失,因不慎而吃亏 He got his fingers badly burnt dabbling in the stock market. 他糊里糊涂地进入股票市场,结果赔了老本。 burn a ˈhole in your pocket if money burns a hole in your pocket,you want to spend it as soon as you have it 一有(钱)就想花;花钱没有节制 burn the midnight ˈoil to study or work until late at night 挑灯夜战;熬夜 burn ˈrubber ( informal) to drive very fast 飞车 burn sth to a ˈcinder/ˈcrisp to cook sth for too long or with too much heat, so that it becomes badly burnt 把某物烧焦(或烧煳) more at ear , feel v. , money PHRASAL VERBS ˌburn aˈway | ˌburn sth↔aˈway to disappear as a result of burning; to make sth do this (使)烧掉,烧光 Half the candle had burnt away. 那根蜡烛烧掉了一半。 The clothing on his back got burnt away in the fire. 他穿的衣服背部在大火中烧掉了。 ˌburn ˈdown if a fire burns down,it becomes weaker and has smaller flames (火势)减弱 ˌburn ˈdown | ˌburn sth↔ˈdown to be destroyed, or to destroy sth, by fire (被)焚毁 The house burned down in 1895. 那房子在 1895 年烧毁了。 ˌburn sth↔ˈoff 1 to remove sth by burning 烧掉;烧除 Burn off the old paint before repainting the door. 先把门上的旧漆烧掉,再刷新油漆。 2 to use energy by doing exercise (通过锻炼等)消耗能量 This workout helps you to burn off fat and tone muscles. 这项锻炼有助于消耗脂肪,使肌肉强健。 ˌburn ˈout | ˌburn itself ˈout (of a fire ) to stop burning because there is nothing more to burn 烧尽;熄灭 The fire had burnt (itself) out before the fire engines arrived. 救火车到达之前火就熄灭了。 ˌburn ˈout | ˌburn sth↔ˈout to stop working or to make sth stop working because it gets too hot or is used too much (因过热或使用过多)出故障 The clutch has burnt out. 离合器因过热而失灵了。 ˌburn ˈout | ˌburn yourself/sb ˈout to become extremely tired or sick by working too hard over a period of time 耗尽体力;积劳成疾;累垮 If he doesn't stop working so hard, he'll burn himself out. 他要是继续这样拚命工作,就会把自己累垮。 By the age of 25 she was completely burned out and retired from the sport. 她到 25 岁时就已体力耗尽,退出了体坛。 related noun burnout ˌburn sth ˈout [usually passive ] to destroy sth completely by fire so that only the outer frame remains 把…烧成空架子 The hotel was completely burnt out. 旅馆被烧得只剩一片废墟。 the burnt-out wreck of a car 汽车烧毁后的残骸 ˌburn ˈup 1 to be destroyed by heat 被烧毁;被烧掉 The spacecraft burned up as it entered the earth's atmosphere. 宇宙飞船进入地球大气层时被烧毁。 2 ( usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时 ) ( informal) to have a high temperature 发烧;体温高 You're burning up—have you seen a doctor? 你发烧了,你看过医生吗? 3 (of a fire ) to burn more strongly and with larger flames 烧得更旺;火势加大 ˌburn sb ˈup ( NAmE) ( informal) to make sb very angry 激怒;使大怒 The way he treats me really burns me up. 他这样对待我真使我恼火。 ˌburn sth↔ˈup 1 to get rid of or destroy sth by burning 焚毁;烧掉 The fire burned up 1 500 acres of farmland. 大火烧掉了 1 500 英亩农田。 2 to use caloriesor energy by doing exercise (通过锻炼)消耗热能 Which burns up more calories—swimming or cycling? 游泳和骑车,哪种运动消耗热量大? noun injury 1 [countable ] an injury or a mark caused by fire, heat or acid 烧伤;烫伤;灼伤;烧(或烫、灼)的痕迹 minor/severe/third-degree burns 轻度╱重度╱三度烧伤 cigarette burns on the furniture 烟头在家具上烫出的痕迹 burn marks 烙印 a specialist burns unit in a hospital 医院的烧伤专科 in muscles 肌肉 2 the burn [singular ] the feeling that you get in your muscles when you have done a lot of exercise 酸痛感 river 河流 3 [countable ] ( ScotE) a small river 小河;溪流 SYN stream IDIOMsee slow adj. SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 burn char scald scorch singe These words all mean to damage, injure, destroy or kill sb/sth with heat or fire. 以上各词均含因高温或火导致损坏、损伤、毁灭之意。 burn to damage, injure, destroy or kill sb/sth with fire, heat or acid; to be damaged, etc. by fire, heat or acid 指烧(或灼)坏、烧(或灼)伤、烧(或灼)死: She burned all his letters. 她把他的信全部付之一炬。 The house burned downin 1995. 那所房子在 1995 年烧毁了。 char [usually passive] to make sth black by burning it; to become black by burning 指(使)烧黑、烧焦: The bodies had been charred beyond recognition. 这些尸体已烧焦,无法辨认。 scald to burn part of your body with very hot liquid or steam 指被高温液体或气体烫伤 scorch to burn and slightly damage a surface by making it too hot 指把物体表面烫坏、烧煳、烤焦: I scorched my dress when I was ironing it. 我把自己的连衣裙熨焦了。 singe to burn the surface of sth slightly, usually by mistake; to be burnt in this way 尤指不小心把物体表面烤焦、烫煳: He singed his hair as he tried to light his cigarette. 他点烟时把头发给燎了。 scorch or singe? 用 scorch 还是 singe? Things are scorchedby heat or fire. Things can only be singedby fire or a flame. *scorched 指被高温烫坏或被火烧煳; singed 只用于被火或火舌烧焦。 PATTERNS to burn/scald yourself / yourself to burn/scorch/singe your hair / hair burned out/charred/scorched remains / remains burn / bɜːn ; NAmE bɜːrn / burnt / bɜːnt ; NAmE bɜːrnt / burned / bɜːnd ; NAmE bɜːrnd /
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