brush 英 [brʌʃ]   美 [brʌʃ]


brush  英 [brʌʃ] 美 [brʌʃ]

n. 刷子;画笔;灌木丛;  v. 刷;画; 

进行时:brushing  过去式:brushed  过去分词:brushed  第三人称单数:brushes  名词复数:brushes 

a paintbrush 画笔
a hairbrush 发刷

  • Use the noun brush when you want to refer to a quick, light touch. If you are comforting someone you don't know well, you can give their arm a quick brush to show sympathy.
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  • n. 刷子;画笔;灌木丛;
  • v. 刷;画;
  • 1. a paintbrush


  • 2. a hairbrush


  • 3. a toothbrush


  • 4. to give your teeth a good brush


  • 5. the brush of his lips on her cheek


  • 6. a brush with the law


  • 7. to brush your hair/teeth/shoes


  • 8. She brushed past him.


  • brush (n.1) "instrument consisting of flexible material (bristles, hair, etc.) attached to a handle or stock," late 14c., "dust-sweeper, a brush for sweeping," from Old French broisse, broce "a brush" (13c., Modern French brosse), perhaps from Vulgar Latin *bruscia "a bunch of new shoots" (used to sweep away dust), perhaps from Proto-Germanic *bruskaz "underbrush." Compare brush (n.2). As an instrument for applying paint, late 15c.; as an instrument for playing drums, 1927. Meaning "an application of a brush" is from 1822.
  • brush (n.2) "shrubbery, small trees and shrubs of a wood; branches of trees lopped off," mid-14c., from Anglo-French bruce "brushwood," Old North French broche, Old French broce "bush, thicket, undergrowth" (12c., Modern French brosse), from Gallo-Roman *brocia, perhaps from *brucus "heather," or possibly from the same source as brush (n.1).
  • brush (n.3) "a skirmish, a light encounter," c. 1400, probably from brush (v.2).
  • brush (v.1) late 15c., "to clean or rub (clothing) with a brush," also (mid-15c.) "to beat with a brush," from brush (n.1). Meaning "to move or skim over with a slight contact" is from 1640s. Related: Brushed; brushing. To brush off someone or something, "rebuff, dismiss," is from 1941. To brush up is from c. 1600 as "clean by brushing;" figurative sense of "revive or refresh one's knowledge" of anything is from 1788.
  • brush (v.2) "move briskly" especially past or against something or someone, 1670s, from earlier sense "to hasten, rush" (c. 1400); probably from brush (n.2) on the notion of a horse, etc., passing through dense undergrowth (compare Old French brosser "to dash (through woods or thickets)," and Middle English noun brush "charge, onslaught, encounter," mid-14c.). But brush (n.1) probably has contributed something to it, and OED suggests the English word could be all or partly onomatopoeic. Related: Brushed; brushing.
brush / brʌʃ ; NAmE brʌʃ / noun , verb brush brushes brushed brushing noun 1 [countable ] an object made of short stiff hairs (called bristles ) or wires set in a block of wood or plastic, usually attached to a handle. Brushesare used for many different jobs, such as cleaning, painting and tidying your hair. 刷子;毛刷;画笔 a paintbrush 画笔 a hairbrush 发刷 a toothbrush 牙刷 brush strokes (= the marks left by a brush when painting) 画笔的笔触 a dustpan and brush 簸箕和刷子 Apply the paint with a fine brush. 用细画笔涂颜料。 2 [singular ] an act of brushing to give your teeth a good brush 好好刷一刷牙 3 [singular ] a light touch made in passing sth/sb 轻擦;掠过 the brush of his lips on her cheek 他的嘴唇在她脸上的轻轻一碰 4 [countable ] brushwith sb/sth a short unfriendly meeting with sb; an occasion when you nearly experience sth unpleasant 小冲突;稍有不快的场合 She had a nasty brush with her boss this morning. 她今天早晨和老板闹得挺别扭的。 In his job he's had frequent brushes with death. 他在工作中常常与死神擦肩而过。 a brush with the law 轻微的触犯法律 5 [uncountable ] land covered by small trees or bushes 灌木丛 a brush fire 灌木丛火 6 [countable ] the tail of a fox 狐狸尾巴 IDIOMsee daft adj. , paint v. , tar v. verb 1 [transitive ] to clean, polish, or make smooth with a brush (用刷子)刷净,刷亮,刷平顺 brushsth to brush your hair/teeth/shoes 刷头发╱牙╱鞋 brushsth + adj. A tiled floor is easy to brush clean. 瓷砖地板容易打扫干净。 2 [transitive ] to put sth, for example oil, milk or egg, on sth using a brush (用刷子)抹,涂 brushA with B Brush the pastry with beaten egg. 用刷子把打匀的鸡蛋抹在油酥面团上。 brushB over A Brush beaten egg over the pastry. 用刷子把打匀的鸡蛋抹在油酥面团上。 3 [transitive ] brushsth + adv./prep. to remove sth from a surface with a brush or with your hand (用刷子或手)拂,掸,擦掉 He brushed the dirt off his jacket. 他拂掉衣服上的灰尘。 She brushed the fly away. 她挥手赶走了苍蝇。 4 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to touch sb/sth lightly while moving close to them/it 轻擦,掠过(某人╱某物) brushagainst/by/past sb/sth She brushed past him. 她和他擦肩而过。 His hand accidentally brushed against hers. 他的手无意之中碰了一下她的手。 brushsth The leaves brushed her cheek. 叶子轻拂着她的面颊。 brushsth with sth He brushed her lips with his. 他轻轻地吻了一下她的嘴唇。 PHRASAL VERBS ˌbrush sb/sth↔aˈside to ignore sb/sth; to treat sb/sth as unimportant 不理会某人╱某物;漠视 SYN dismiss He brushed aside my fears. 他不理会我的恐惧。 ˌbrush sb/yourself ˈdown ( BrE) = brush sb/yourself off ˌbrush sth↔ˈdown to clean sth by brushing it 刷干净 to brush a coat/horse down 把外套╱马刷干净 ˌbrush ˈoff to be removed by brushing 被刷掉;被拂去 Mud brushes off easily when it is dry. 泥巴干了容易刷掉。 ˌbrush sb↔ˈoff to rudely ignore sb or refuse to listen to them 不理睬某人;打发 She brushed him off impatiently. 她不耐烦地把他打发走了。 related noun brush-off ˌbrush sb/yourself ˈoff ( BrE ˌbrush sb/yourself ˈdown ) to make sb/yourself tidy, especially after you have fallen, by brushing your clothes, etc. with your hands 掸净某人╱自己,拂去衣服上的灰尘(尤指跌倒后) ˌbrush sth↔ˈup | ˌbrush ˈup on sth to quickly improve a skill, especially when you have not used it for a time 奋起直追(重温生疏了的技术等) I must brush up on my Spanish before I go to Seville. 我去塞维利亚之前一定得好好温习我的西班牙语。 brush / brʌʃ ; NAmE brʌʃ /
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