bringer ['briŋə]  


bringer  ['briŋə]

n. 带来者;提供者 


First is the army’s (debatable) view of itself as the main bringer of independence. 第一点是军队认为是他们带来了国家独立(这观点仍有争议)。
Family is the number one bringer of happiness. Love for and from friends will come and go, but love for and from family is a true constant. 家庭是幸福作重要的来源。从朋友处得到的爱瞬时即去,但是从家庭中得到的爱是永恒的。

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  • n. 带来者;提供者
  • 1. First is the army’s (debatable) view of itself as the main bringer of independence.


  • 2. Family is the number one bringer of happiness. Love for and from friends will come and go, but love for and from family is a true constant.


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