bring forward 英 [briŋ ˈfɔ:wəd]   美 [brɪŋ ˈfɔrwəd]

bring forward

bring forward  英 [briŋ ˈfɔ:wəd] 美 [brɪŋ ˈfɔrwəd]

phrase. 提出;提前;结转 

After piling up billions in losses during 2009, the sector has been booming again this year, as customers bring forward orders ahead of subsidy cuts in Germany, the world's biggest solar market. 业者在2009年蒙受数以十亿美元计的钜额亏损后,今年景气再度畅旺,因客户纷纷赶在德国调降补贴之前提前拉货.德国是全球最大太阳能市场.
Some Democratic leaders are pushing to bring forward the original timeline for putting in place the most crucial element of Obama's green agenda - the greenhouse gas reduction laws. 一些民主党领导人正在极力争取将原来的时间表提前,以便落实奥巴马绿色议程中最关键的举措——减少温室气体法案。

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  • phrase. 提出;提前;结转
  • 1. After piling up billions in losses during 2009, the sector has been booming again this year, as customers bring forward orders ahead of subsidy cuts in Germany, the world's biggest solar market.


  • 2. Some Democratic leaders are pushing to bring forward the original timeline for putting in place the most crucial element of Obama's green agenda - the greenhouse gas reduction laws.


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