briefer ['bri:fə]  


briefer  ['bri:fə]

n. 情报官  adj. 更简短的(brief的比较级) 


Thanks to this law, we know that a planet relatively close to the sun, like Venus, has a far briefer orbital period than a distant planet, such as Neptune. 正因为了有这条定律,我们才能得知例如金星这样离日相对较近的行星的公转周期要短于离日较远的行星,例如海王星。
The Reddit interface is much simpler ("utilitarian", you might say, but this can be a good thing), and more of the top stories are listed because of the briefer summaries. 与 相比,Reddit 的界面简单得多(您可能会说这个界面太过 “实际”,但这并非坏事),由于摘要更为简短,因此就能列出更多的头条新闻故事。

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  • n. 情报官
  • adj. 更简短的(brief的比较级)
  • 1. Thanks to this law, we know that a planet relatively close to the sun, like Venus, has a far briefer orbital period than a distant planet, such as Neptune.


  • 2. The Reddit interface is much simpler ("utilitarian", you might say, but this can be a good thing), and more of the top stories are listed because of the briefer summaries.

    与 相比,Reddit 的界面简单得多(您可能会说这个界面太过 “实际”,但这并非坏事),由于摘要更为简短,因此就能列出更多的头条新闻故事。

  • 3. Director of the Central Intelligence later Director of the National Intelligence would come in, and bring a briefer.


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