brief against  

brief against

brief against 

Outside of Tbilisi, Georgia's capital, honor guards buried the bodies of 10 soldiers who were killed in the brief war against Russia. 格鲁吉亚, 第比利斯: 荣誉护卫队火葬了10具在对抗俄罗斯的战争中牺牲的烈士的遗体。
The Swiss Franc had a brief rally against the USD and EUR pairs on news of Moody's downgrade of Portugal's credit rating, before losing 70 pips to close 0.8400 . 在穆迪投资者服务公司宣布下调葡萄牙的信用评级之后,瑞士法郎对美元和欧元的比率出现了短暂的回升,而后下跌70点,收于0.8400。

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  • 1. Outside of Tbilisi, Georgia's capital, honor guards buried the bodies of 10 soldiers who were killed in the brief war against Russia.

    格鲁吉亚, 第比利斯: 荣誉护卫队火葬了10具在对抗俄罗斯的战争中牺牲的烈士的遗体。

  • 2. The Swiss Franc had a brief rally against the USD and EUR pairs on news of Moody's downgrade of Portugal's credit rating, before losing 70 pips to close 0.8400 .


  • 3. Finally, this thesis summarizes the commonly existing problems nowadays in academic libraries in China and also makes a brief study on approaches against the problems.


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