bracket 英 [ˈbrækɪt]   美 [ˈbrækɪt]


bracket  英 [ˈbrækɪt] 美 [ˈbrækɪt]

n. 支架;括号;墙上凸出的托架  vt. 括在一起;把…归入同一类;排除 

进行时:bracketing  过去式:bracketed  过去分词:bracketed  第三人称单数:brackets  名词复数:brackets 

So for example, tags like or must have a closing bracket as shown in Listing 8, taken from the above JSP. 所以,例如,从上面的 JSP 接受的如 或 这样的标记必须有一个闭括号,如清单 8 所示。
When we detect an open bracket, we have found the start of a tag and return the collected characters after we have reversed their sequence. 当检测到一个开括号时,我们就找到了一个标签的开头,并将收集到的字符在逆转顺序之后返回。

  • A bracket is a punctuation mark that's used to set a word or phrase aside from the rest of a sentence. Sometimes dates or other numbers in a sentence are enclosed by brackets.
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  • n. 支架;括号;墙上凸出的托架
  • vt. 括在一起;把…归入同一类;排除
  • 1. So for example, tags like or must have a closing bracket as shown in Listing 8, taken from the above JSP.

    所以,例如,从上面的 JSP 接受的如 或 这样的标记必须有一个闭括号,如清单 8 所示。

  • 2. When we detect an open bracket, we have found the start of a tag and return the collected characters after we have reversed their sequence.


  • 3. Well, the bracket notation means you can index into this variable.


  • bracket (n.) 1570s, bragget, "architectural support, supporting piece projecting from a vertical surface," probably from Middle French braguette, originally "codpiece armor" (16c.), from a fancied resemblance of architectural supports to that article of attire (Spanish cognate bragueta meant both "codpiece" and "projecting moulding in architecture"), diminutive of brague "knee pants," ultimately from Gaulish *braca "pants," itself perhaps from Germanic (compare Old English broc "garment for the legs and trunk;" see breeches).
  • bracket (v.) 1797, of printed matter, "to enclose in brackets," from bracket (n.). Also, "to couple or connect with a brace" (1827), also figurative, "to couple one thing with another" in writing (1807). Artillery rangefinding sense is from 1903, from the noun (1891) in the specialized sense "distance between the ranges of two shells, one under and one over the object." Related: Bracketed; bracketing. In home-building and joinery, bracketed is attested by 1801.
bracket / ˈbrækɪt ; NAmE ˈbrækɪt / noun , verb bracket brackets bracketed bracketing noun 1 ( also ˈround bracket ) ( both BrE) ( also par·en·thesis NAmE or formal ) [usually plural ] either of a pair of marks, ( ) placed around extra information in a piece of writing or part of a problem in mathematics 括号 Publication dates are given in bracketsafter each title. 出版日期括于书名后面。 Add the numbers in brackets first. 先把括号里的数字加起来。 see also angle bracket compare brace n.  (5 ) 2 ( NAmE) ( BrE ˌsquare ˈbracket ) [usually plural ] either of a pair of marks, [ ], placed at the beginning and end of extra information in a text, especially comments made by an editor 方括号 3 price, age, income, etc. ~ prices, etc. within a particular range (价格、年龄、收入等的)组级,等级 people in the lower income bracket 低收入等级的人们 Most of the houses are out of our price bracket. 大多数房子都超出我们的价格范围。 the 30–34 age bracket (= people aged between 30 and 34) *30–34 岁的年龄组 4 a piece of wood, metal or plastic fixed to the wall to support a shelf, lamp, etc. (固定在墙上的)托架,支架 verb 1 bracketsth to put words, information, etc. between brackets 用括弧括上 2 bracketA and B (together) | bracketA (together) with B [often passive ] to consider people or things to be similar or connected in some way 把…等同考虑;把…相提并论 It is unfair to bracket together those who cannot work with those who will not. 把不能工作的人和不愿工作的人等同看待是不公平的。 bracket / ˈbrækɪt ; NAmE ˈbrækɪt /
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