brace 英 [breɪs]   美 [bres]


brace  英 [breɪs] 美 [bres]

n. 支柱;  v. 支撑;顶住 

进行时:bracing  过去式:braced  过去分词:braced  第三人称单数:braces  名词复数:braces 

a neck brace 矫治用的颈箍
UN troops are braced for more violence. 联合国部队准备应付更多的暴行。

  • A brace is a support that helps to steady or strengthen, and to brace is to prepare for something hard. So brace yourself for that impromptu meeting with your boss if you haven't been performing well.
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  • n. 支柱;
  • v. 支撑;顶住
  • 1. a neck brace


  • 2. UN troops are braced for more violence.


  • 3. They braced themselves against the wind.


  • 4. He stood with his legs and shoulders braced, ready to lift the weights.


  • brace (n.) early 14c., "piece of armor for the arms," also "thong, strap for fastening," from Old French brace "arms," also "length measured by two arms" (12c., Modern French bras "arm, power;" brasse "fathom, armful, breaststroke"), from Latin bracchia, plural of bracchium "an arm, a forearm," from Greek brakhion "an arm" (see brachio-).
  • brace (v.) mid-14c., "to seize, grasp, hold firmly," also "wrap, enshroud; tie up, fetter," from Old French bracier "to embrace," from brace "arms" (see brace (n.)). Meaning "make tense, render firm or steady by tensing" is mid-15c., earlier in figurative sense "strengthen or comfort" (someone), early 15c., with later extension to tonics, etc. that "brace" the nerves (compare bracer "stiff drink"). To brace oneself "place oneself in the position of a brace" (in anticipation of some shock or impact) is by 1805, perhaps c. 1500. To brace up "increase the tension or vigor of" is from 1809. Related: Braced; bracing.
brace / breɪs ; NAmE breɪs / noun , verb brace braces braced bracing noun 1 [countable ] a device that holds things firmly together or holds and supports them in position 箍子;夹子;支架 a neck brace (= worn to support the neck after an injury) 矫治用的颈箍 2 [countable ] ( NAmE braces [plural ] ) a metal device that children wear inside the mouth to help their teeth grow straight (儿童)牙箍 3 braces ( BrE) ( NAmE sus·pend·ers ) [plural ] long narrow pieces of cloth, leather, etc. for holding trousers/pants up. They are fastened to the top of the trousers/pants at the front and back and passed over the shoulders. 吊裤带;背带 a pair of braces 一副吊裤带 4 ( NAmE) ( BrE cal·li·per ) [countable ,  usually plural ] a metal support for weak or injured legs 双脚规形夹(腿无力或受伤时使用的金属支架) 5 [countable ] either of the two marks, { }, used to show that the words, etc. between them are connected 大括弧;大括号 compare bracket 6 [countable ] ( plural brace ) a pair of birds or animals that have been killed in hunting 猎获的一对鸟(或兽) IDIOMsee belt n. verb 1 bracesb/yourself (for sth) | bracesb/yourself (to do sth) to prepare sb/yourself for sth difficult or unpleasant that is going to happen (为困难或坏事)做准备;防备 UN troops are braced for more violence. 联合国部队准备应付更多的暴行。 They are bracing themselves for a long legal battle. 他们在为漫长的法律诉讼做准备。 2 bracesth/yourself (against sth) to press your body or part of your body firmly against sth in order to stop yourself from falling 顶住,抵住(以免跌倒等) They braced themselves against the wind. 他们顶着大风站稳。 3 bracesth to contract the muscles in your body or part of your body before doing sth that is physically difficult (做费劲的事之前)绷紧肌肉 He stood with his legs and shoulders braced, ready to lift the weights. 他绷紧腿和肩膀站着,准备举起杠铃。 4 bracesth ( technical 术语 ) to make sth stronger or more solid by supporting it with sth 加强;加固 The roof was braced by lengths of timber. 屋顶用几根木头支撑固定住了。 brace / breɪs ; NAmE breɪs /
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