bogy 英 [ˈbəuɡi]   美 [ˈboɡi, ˈbʊɡi, ˈbuɡi]


bogy  英 [ˈbəuɡi] 美 [ˈboɡi, ˈbʊɡi, ˈbuɡi]

n. 妖怪;可怕的人 


So Hobbes was very much a bogy man and he remained a bogy man for a long time. 这么一来霍布斯在很长一段时间里都被人视为怪物。
One thing that stands out is that China and Russia have been made the bogy man by Western Europe and the US for the most part of the last two hundred years. 非常突出的一点是,过去的两百年里,中俄两国基本上是以鬼怪的形象出现在欧美的历史书中的。

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  • n. 妖怪;可怕的人
  • 1. So Hobbes was very much a bogy man and he remained a bogy man for a long time.


  • 2. One thing that stands out is that China and Russia have been made the bogy man by Western Europe and the US for the most part of the last two hundred years.


  • 3. I took the gun, lifted it to my shoulder and sighted down the black barrel. bogy , brown eyes regarding me, panted happily, pink tongue peeking from tusked jaws.


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