Bohemian 英 [bəʊ'hi:mɪən]   美 [boˈhimiən]


Bohemian  英 [bəʊ'hi:mɪən] 美 [boˈhimiən]

adj. 波希米亚的;放荡不羁的;波希米亚语的  n. 波希米亚人;波希米亚语;放浪者 


That whole romantic image of the Bohemian artist doing drugs and running around and sleeping with everyone is played out. 那一整套放荡不羁的艺术家罗曼蒂克的形象——吸毒、到处招摇、跟谁都上床——已经过时了。
But, twenty-five years after her husband’s death, my grandmother decided that the money was running out and she stopped subsidizing her Bohemian son in Paris. 但是,祖父过世二十五年后,我祖母决定把这些钱都花光,她停止给巴黎的这个放荡不羁的儿子寄钱花了。

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  • adj. 波希米亚的;放荡不羁的;波希米亚语的
  • n. 波希米亚人;波希米亚语;放浪者
  • 1. That whole romantic image of the Bohemian artist doing drugs and running around and sleeping with everyone is played out.


  • 2. But, twenty-five years after her husband’s death, my grandmother decided that the money was running out and she stopped subsidizing her Bohemian son in Paris.


  • 3. Nim went from a nice big Bohemian, Upper West Side brownstone to a huge mansion in Riverdale that Columbia University owned in the Bronx, where he continues to be taught to use sign language.


  • bohemian (n.) "a gypsy of society; person (especially an artist) who lives a free and somewhat dissipated life, despising conventionalities and having little regard for social standards," 1848, from a transferred sense of French bohemién "a Bohemian; a Gypsy," from the country name (see Bohemia). The Middle English word for "a resident or native of Bohemia" was Bemener.
bo·he·mian / bəʊˈhiːmiən ; NAmE boʊˈhiːmiən / noun a person, often sb who is involved with the arts, who lives in a very informal way without following accepted rules of behaviour 行为举止不拘泥成规者;放荡不羁的艺术家 bo·he·mian adjective a bohemian existence/lifestyle 放荡不羁的生活╱生活方式 bohemian bohemians bo·he·mian / bəʊˈhiːmiən ; NAmE boʊˈhiːmiən /
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