blot 英 [blɒt]   美 [blɑt]


blot  英 [blɒt] 美 [blɑt]

vi. 吸墨水;弄上墨渍或污渍  vt. 涂污,弄脏;用吸墨纸弄干(或除去)  n. 污点,污渍;墨水渍 

进行时:blotting  过去式:blotted  过去分词:blotted  第三人称单数:blots  名词复数:blots 

They are truly indomitable. But what a blot there is on history. 他们是真的毫不气馁,但在美国历史上那是怎样的一个污点。
Based on blot algorithm and works well with spatter or cloudy image. 基于污点算法,可以很好的处理溅污或有云纹的图像。

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  • vi. 吸墨水;弄上墨渍或污渍
  • vt. 涂污,弄脏;用吸墨纸弄干(或除去)
  • n. 污点,污渍;墨水渍
  • 1. They are truly indomitable. But what a blot there is on history.


  • 2. Based on blot algorithm and works well with spatter or cloudy image.


  • blot (n.) late 14c., "a spot or stain of ink;" also "a moral stain or blemish, a disgrace, a sin;" of uncertain origin. Perhaps from Old Norse blettr "blot, stain," or from Old French blot, variant of bloc "block." Middle English Dictionary compares, hesitantly, Old French blo(s)tre, variant of blestre "a boil." From 1570s as "any black or dark patch."
  • blot (v.) early 15c., "to make blots (with ink), disfigure with blots," also figurative; mid-15c. "to blot out, obliterate" (words), from blot (n.). Related: Blotted; blotting.
blot / blɒt ; NAmE blɑːt / verb , noun blot blots blotted blotting verb ( -tt- ) 1 blotsth (up) to remove liquid from a surface by pressing soft paper or cloth on it (用软纸或布)吸干液体 2 blotsth to make a spot or spots of ink fall on paper 把墨水溅到(纸上) IDIOM blot your ˈcopybook ( old-fashioned, informal) to do sth to spoil the opinion that other people have of you 做出有损形象的事;玷污名誉 PHRASAL VERB ˌblot sth↔ˈout 1 to cover or hide sth completely 遮住;掩盖;隐藏 Clouds blotted out the sun. 云遮住了太阳。 2 to deliberately try to forget an unpleasant memory or thought 有意地忘记(不愉快的记忆或想法);抹去 He tried to blot out the image of Helen's sad face. 他尽量不去想海伦的那张忧伤的脸。 noun 1 a spot or dirty mark on sth, made by ink, etc. 污点;墨渍 synonyms at mark 2 blot(on sth) something that spoils the opinion that other people have of you, or your happiness 有损形象(或幸福)的事情;污点 Her involvement in the fraud has left a serious blot on her character. 她卷入了这次欺诈案,在她的品格上留下了一个很大的污点。 IDIOM a blot on the ˈlandscape an object, especially an ugly building, that spoils the beauty of a place 影响景观的物体(尤指丑陋建筑物) blot / blɒt ; NAmE blɑːt /
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