blood vessel 英 [blʌd ˈvesəl]   美 [blʌd ˈvɛsəl]

blood vessel

blood vessel  英 [blʌd ˈvesəl] 美 [blʌd ˈvɛsəl]

phrase. [解剖] 血管 

名词复数:blood vessels 

But the new blood vessel may be even more prone to " atherosclerosis" or plaque buildup, than the original vessel. 但是新的血管比原先的血管可能更容易患“动脉粥样硬化 ”或斑块积聚。
When blood vessel become thin due to disease or micro vessel become weak because of malnutritions, it is very difficult for brain to get enough norish effectively. 当脑血管因疾病变得狭窄,或是微血管因营养不良而衰弱时,就很难有效地使脑部得到充分的滋养了。

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  • phrase. [解剖] 血管
  • 1. But the new blood vessel may be even more prone to " atherosclerosis" or plaque buildup, than the original vessel.

    但是新的血管比原先的血管可能更容易患“动脉粥样硬化 ”或斑块积聚。

  • 2. When blood vessel become thin due to disease or micro vessel become weak because of malnutritions, it is very difficult for brain to get enough norish effectively.


  • 3. At relatively low doses, the French researchers found that the same polyphenols play a beneficial role for those with diseased hearts and circulatory systems by facilitating blood vessel growth.


ˈblood vessel / ; NAmE / noun any of the tubes through which blood flows through the body 血管 see also artery  (1 ) , capillary , vein  (1 ) blood vessel blood vessels ˈblood vessel / ; NAmE /
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