blood test [blʌd test]  

blood test

blood test  [blʌd test]

phrase. [临床] 验血;化验血;血液试验 

名词复数:blood tests 

A blood test is the only way to diagnose a low testosterone level or a reduction in the bioavailability of testosterone. 进行血液测试是诊断睾丸素偏低或具有生物药效的睾丸激素减少的唯一途径。
Since the new blood test could deliver an answer so early — before a pregnancy is showing or the baby is kicking — it might make getting an abortion easier, several observers said. 因为这项新的血液试验很早地(在外人看出怀孕前或是胎儿会踢脚前)就能提供诊断结果,这个时候流产相对容易一些。 几个观察家如是说。

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  • phrase. [临床] 验血;化验血;血液试验
  • 1. A blood test is the only way to diagnose a low testosterone level or a reduction in the bioavailability of testosterone.


  • 2. Since the new blood test could deliver an answer so early — before a pregnancy is showing or the baby is kicking — it might make getting an abortion easier, several observers said.

    因为这项新的血液试验很早地(在外人看出怀孕前或是胎儿会踢脚前)就能提供诊断结果,这个时候流产相对容易一些。 几个观察家如是说。

  • 3. Macmillan Cancer Support, which gives practical help to cancer patients, said that some diets were so imbalanced they could harm a patient's treatment by affecting the result of a blood test.


ˈblood test / ; NAmE / noun an examination of a small amount of your blood by doctors in order to make judgements about your medical condition 验血 blood test blood tests ˈblood test / ; NAmE /
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