blindingly ['blaɪndɪŋli]  


blindingly  ['blaɪndɪŋli]

adv. 极其地,很 

"blindingly optimistic, even for our culture, " a senior military officer in Baghdad told me. 即使在我们的文化里,也该叫他盲目乐观。
As biased and blindingly patriotic as American textbooks can be, a book like Lies CAN get published, sell over a million copies and become a standard part of school curricula. 即使是批判美国教科书中所表现的偏见和盲目爱国,《老师的谎言》仍能被出版而且在全球拥有百万册的销量甚至成为美国课程一部分标准。

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  • adv. 极其地,很
  • 1. "blindingly optimistic, even for our culture, " a senior military officer in Baghdad told me.


  • 2. As biased and blindingly patriotic as American textbooks can be, a book like Lies CAN get published, sell over a million copies and become a standard part of school curricula.


  • 3. Although some would probably declare this sacrilege, the similarities between both bands, at least in terms of make-up and influences are blindingly obvious for all to see.


blind·ing·ly / ˈblaɪndɪŋli ; NAmE ˈblaɪndɪŋli / adverb very; extremely 很;极其 The reason is blindingly obvious. 原因十分明显。 The latest computers can work at a blindingly fastspeed. 最新的计算机能达到极高的运行速度。 blind·ing·ly / ˈblaɪndɪŋli ; NAmE ˈblaɪndɪŋli /
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