bilaterally [bai'lætərəli]  


bilaterally  [bai'lætərəli]

adv. 双边地;双方面地 

There is no cooperation without trust. Trust is key to fair view and handling of our differences, and that is more true multilaterally than bilaterally. 互信是合作的基础,也是正确看待和处理彼此分歧的关键,多边合作要比双边合作需要更多互信。
An easier and more straightforward path -- especially if the IMF needs to raise rescue funds in a hurry -- may be to borrow bilaterally from these wealthy IMF member countries. 也许一种更为简单直接的方式,是从这些富裕成员国获得双边贷款,这特别适用于IMF需要尽快筹到援助资金的情况.

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  • adv. 双边地;双方面地
  • 1. There is no cooperation without trust. Trust is key to fair view and handling of our differences, and that is more true multilaterally than bilaterally.


  • 2. An easier and more straightforward path -- especially if the IMF needs to raise rescue funds in a hurry -- may be to borrow bilaterally from these wealthy IMF member countries.


  • 3. All the final settlement issues would still be there to be negotiated bilaterally.


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