bill 英 [bɪl]   美 [bɪl]


bill  英 [bɪl] 美 [bɪl]

n. 账单; 法案  vt. 开账单;宣传为 

进行时:billing  过去式:billed  过去分词:billed  第三人称单数:bills  名词复数:bills 

the telephone bill, the electricity bill, the gas bill 电话费╱电费╱煤气费账单
We ran up amassive hotel bill. 我们累积了大笔的旅馆费。

  • When thinking about all the many meanings of the simple word bill think of the bill you get in a restaurant. A piece of paper that someone pushes toward you, right?
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  • n. 账单; 法案
  • vt. 开账单;宣传为
  • 1. the telephone bill, the electricity bill, the gas bill


  • 2. We ran up amassive hotel bill.


  • 3. She always pays her bills on time.


  • 4. Let's ask for the bill.


  • 5. a ten-dollar bill


  • 6. to introduce a bill, to approve a bill, to reject a bill


  • 7. the Education Reform Bill


  • 8. Please bill me for the books.


  • 9. He was billed as the new Tom Cruise.

    他被宣传为新汤姆 · 克鲁斯。

  • 10. She was billed to speak on ‘China—Yesterday and Today’.

    海报上说她要发表题为“中国 — 昨天和今天”的演讲。

  • bill (n.1) "written statement," late 14c., "formal document; formal plea or charge (in a court of law); personal letter," from Anglo-French bille, Anglo-Latin billa "a writing, a list, a seal," from Medieval Latin bulla "decree, seal, sealed document," in classical Latin "bubble, boss, stud, amulet for the neck" (hence "seal"); see bull (n.2).
  • bill (n.2) "bird's beak," Old English bill "bill, bird's beak," related to bill, a poetic word for a kind of sword (especially one with a hooked blade), from Proto-Germanic *bili-, a word for cutting or chopping weapons (see bill (n.3)). Used also in Middle English of beak-like projections of land (such as Portland Bill).
  • bill (n.3) ancient weapon, Old English bill "sword (especially one with a hooked blade), chopping tool," from Proto-Germanic *bili-, a word for cutting or chopping weapons (compare Old Saxon bil "sword," Middle Dutch bile, Dutch bijl, Old High German bihal, German Beil, Old Norse bilda "hatchet"), possibly from PIE root *bheie- "to cut, to strike" (source also of Armenian bir "cudgel," Greek phitos "block of wood," Old Church Slavonic biti "to strike," Old Irish biail "ax").
  • bill (v.1) "to send someone a bill of charge," 1864, from bill (n.1). Related: Billed; billing.
  • bill (v.2) "to stroke beaks," as doves do, hence, of lovers, "caress fondly," 1590s, from bill (n.2)). Paired with coo at least since 1764; Century Dictionary [1902] defines bill and coo (by 1768) as "to kiss and caress and talk nonsense, as lovers." Related: Billed; billing.
bill / bɪl ; NAmE bɪl / noun , verb bill bills billed billing noun for payment 付款 1 a piece of paper that shows how much you owe sb for goods or services 账单 the telephone/electricity/gas bill 电话费╱电费╱煤气费账单 We ran up amassive hotel bill. 我们累积了大笔的旅馆费。 She always paysher billson time. 她总是按时支付账单。 The bills are piling up (= there are more and more that have still not been paid). 账单越积越多。 collocationsat finance 2 ( especially BrE) ( NAmE usually check ) a piece of paper that shows how much you have to pay for the food and drinks that you have had in a restaurant (餐馆的)账单 Let's ask for the bill. 我们结账吧。 collocationsat restaurant money 货币 3 ( NAmE) = note  (6 ) a ten-dollar bill 一张十元的钞票 in parliament 议会 4 a written suggestion for a new law that is presented to a country's parliament so that its members can discuss it (提交议会讨论的)议案,法案 to introduce/approve/reject a bill 提出╱通过╱否决一项议案 the Education Reform Bill 教育改革法案 at theatre, etc. 剧院等 5 a programme of entertainment at a theatre, etc. (剧院等的)节目单 a horror double bill (= two horror films/movies shown one after the other) 双场恐怖片节目单 Topping the bill (= the most important performer)is Paul Simon. 领衔演出的是保罗 · 西蒙。 advertisement 广告 6 a notice in a public place to advertise an event 海报;招贴;广告 SYN poster see also handbill of birds 7 the hard pointed or curved outer part of a bird's mouth 鸟嘴;喙 SYN beak 8 -billed ( in adjectives 构成形容词 ) having the type of billmentioned 有…形喙的 long-billed waders 长嘴涉禽 on hat 帽子 9 ( also visor ) ( both NAmE) ( BrE peak ) the stiff front part of a cap that sticks out above your eyes 帽舌;帽檐 see also Old Bill IDIOM fill/fit the ˈbill to be what is needed in a particular situation or for a particular purpose 符合要求;合格 On paper, several of the applicants fit the bill. 从书面材料看,有几位申请人符合条件。 more at clean adj. , foot v. verb ask for payment 要求付款 1 billsb (for sth) to send sb a bill for sth 开账单,发账单(要求付款) Please bill me for the books. 请就所购的书给我开列账单。 advertise 做广告 2 [usually passive ] billsb/sth as sth to advertise or describe sb/sth in a particular way 把(某人或事物)宣传为… He was billed as the new Tom Cruise. 他被宣传为新汤姆 · 克鲁斯。 3 [usually passive ] billsb/sth to do sth to advertise that sb/sth will do sth 宣布…将做某事 She was billed to speak on ‘China—Yesterday and Today’. 海报上说她要发表题为“中国 — 昨天和今天”的演讲。 IDIOM bill and ˈcoo ( old-fashioned, informal) if two people who are in love bill and coo,they kiss and speak in a loving way to each other 卿卿我我;情话绵绵 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 bill account invoice check These are all words for a record of how much you owe for goods or services you have bought or used. 以上各词均指账单、账目。 bill a list of goods that you have bought or services that you have used, showing how much you owe; the price or cost of sth 指账单: the gas bill 煤气费账单 account an arrangement with a shop/store or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month 指赊销账、赊欠账、赊购: Put it on my account please. 请记在我的赊购账上。 invoice ( rather formal) a bill for goods that sb has bought or work that has been done for sb 指发票、发货或服务费用清单: The builders sent an invoice for £250. 营造商发出了一张 250 英镑的发票。 bill or invoice? 用 bill 还是 invoice? You would get a billin a restaurant, bar or hotel; from a company that supplies you with gas, electricity, etc; or from sb whose property you have damaged. An invoiceis for goods supplied or work done as agreed between a customer and supplier. *bill 指餐馆、酒吧、旅馆、煤气公司、电力公司等开出的账单或财产所有者开出的索赔清单。invoice 指客户与供应商约定的供货或服务费用清单。 check ( NAmE) a piece of paper that shows how much you have to pay for the food and drinks that you have had in a restaurant 指餐馆的账单: Can I have the check, please? 请给我结账。 NOTEIn British English the usual word for this is bill. 此义英式英语常用 bill。 PATTERNS the bill/invoice/check forsth to pay / pay a(n) bill/account/invoice/check to put sth onthe/sb's bill/account/invoice/check bill / bɪl ; NAmE bɪl /
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