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- pref. 表示“有二的,双边的”
1. This might be monthly, bi-monthly, or yearly, depending on your industry and the particular types of projects you take on.
2. This article has introduced the bi-ICS specification as a step toward a solution for increasing interoperability at the business information level.
本文将 BI-ICS 规范作为朝增强业务信息级上互操作性解决方案迈进的一步进行了介绍。
3. A standardization of the bi-ICS specification would help increase business interoperability and define a foundation for future related specifications in this area.
BI-ICS 规范的标准化将有助于增强业务互操作性和为该领域中今后的相关规范奠定基础。
bi- / baɪ ; NAmE baɪ / combining form ( in nouns and adjectives 构成名词和形容词 ) two; twice; double 二;两次;两倍;双 ◆ bilingual 双语的 ◆ bicentenary 两百周年 HELP Bi-with a period of time can mean either ‘happening twice’ in that period of time, or ‘happening once in every two’ periods. *bi- 和某个时期结合可表示在该时期内发生两次,或每两个时期发生一次。 bi- / baɪ ; NAmE baɪ /
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