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- symb. 元素铋(bismuth)的符号
1. This indicates that specializing in the bi field can be a lucrative strategy and a good investment in your future.
2. The behaviour of the target model and bi report specifications will be functionally equivalent in both environments.
目标模型的行为和 BI 报表规范在这两个环境中,功能上是相同的。
3. This process describes how to create an export deployment archive in the bi 8.4 environment and copy that to the new installation.
这一个过程描述了如何在 BI 8.4 环境中创建一个导出部署归档文件然后将其复制到新设备。
bi / baɪ ; NAmE baɪ / adjective ( informal) = bisexual bi bis bi / baɪ ; NAmE baɪ /
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