berserk 英 [bəˈzɜ:k]   美 [bərˈzɜrk]


berserk  英 [bəˈzɜ:k] 美 [bərˈzɜrk]

adj. 狂怒的  adv. 狂暴地,狂怒地 


"You could get yourself a weiner dog that goes berserk from oil, but weiner dogs go berserk about anything, so it would be hard to tell," he joked. 他开玩笑说:“你可以找来一条对石油很敏感的腊肠犬,但它会对所有东西狂叫不停,所以还是很难找到根源。”
He is less sanguine about the robots that are “specifically designed to hunt, track and kill humans” and about what might happen should they fall into the wrong hands or go berserk. 对于“专为捕猎,追踪和虐杀人类而设计”的机器人,以及假如这些机器人落入邪道之手、或者这些机器人本身失控狂暴化时将发生的事情,他表示并不乐观。

  • Berserk is another way of saying deranged, destructively violent, or unrestrained — like a wailing toddler ravaging the playroom when he's hopped up on sugar and long overdue for a nap.
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  • adj. 狂怒的
  • adv. 狂暴地,狂怒地
  • 1. "You could get yourself a weiner dog that goes berserk from oil, but weiner dogs go berserk about anything, so it would be hard to tell," he joked.


  • 2. He is less sanguine about the robots that are “specifically designed to hunt, track and kill humans” and about what might happen should they fall into the wrong hands or go berserk.


  • berserk (adj.) 1844, from berserk (n.) "Norse warrior" (by 1835), an alternative form of berserker, a word which was introduced (as berserkar) by Sir Walter Scott in "The Pirate" (1822), from Old Norse berserkr (n.) "raging warrior of superhuman strength." It is probably from *ber- "bear" + serkr "shirt," thus literally "a warrior clothed in bearskin" (see bear (n.) + sark). Thus not, as Scott evidently believed, from Old Norse berr "bare, naked" and meaning "warrior who fights without armor."
ber·serk / bəˈzɜːk ; NAmE bərˈzɜːrk / / bəˈsɜːk ; NAmE bərˈsɜːrk / adjective [not usually before noun ] ( informal) 1 very angry, often in a violent or uncontrolled way 盛怒;暴跳如雷 He went berserkwhen he found out where I'd been. 他弄清楚我去过哪儿后勃然大怒。 2 very excited 极为激动;兴奋不已;发狂 People were going berserk with excitement. 人们兴奋得发狂了。 ber·serk / bəˈzɜːk ; NAmE bərˈzɜːrk /
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