berk 英 [bɜ:k]   美 [bɜrk]


berk  英 [bɜ:k] 美 [bɜrk]

n. 傻子 


In 1997, Dr berk performed experiments with diabetic heart patients. 在1997年,伯克博士针对患糖尿病性冠心病的病人进行实验,一组病人在一年当中每天都观看电视喜剧,而另外一组则没有。
Direct comparison with exercise is difficult, but berk estimates the physiological benefits were equivalent to those of a moderate 20-minute workout. 将它直接与锻炼相比较是困难的,但是伯克估计生理益处是等效的适度的20分钟的锻炼。

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  • n. 傻子
  • 1. In 1997, Dr berk performed experiments with diabetic heart patients.


  • 2. Direct comparison with exercise is difficult, but berk estimates the physiological benefits were equivalent to those of a moderate 20-minute workout.


  • 3. Even just anticipating something funny increases anti-viral, anti-tumour defences, reports Dr. Lee berk of the School of Medicine at Loma Linda University.

    Loma Linda大学医学院的Lee Berk博士报道说,即使只是想想有趣的事情,也会人体增强抗病毒、抗肿瘤的防御机能。

  • berk (n.) "fool," 1936, abbreviation of Berkshire Hunt (or Berkeley Hunt), rhyming slang for cunt but typically applied only to contemptible persons, not to the body part.
berk / bɜːk ; NAmE bɜːrk / noun ( old-fashioned) ( BrE slang) a stupid person 傻瓜;蠢人 SYN idiot berk berks berk / bɜːk ; NAmE bɜːrk /
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