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- conj. 因为
1. He feels cold because he is ill.
2. They are here because of us.
3. I did it because he told me to.
- because (conj.) late 14c., from phrase bi cause, introducing a subordinate clause or phrase, "by cause, for the reason that," from by (prep.) + cause (n.). Modeled on French par cause. Originally often followed by that or why. As an adverb, "by reason, on account" (with of), from late 14c. Clipped form cause (sometimes 'cause) is attested in writing by mid-15c.
be·cause ★ / bɪˈkɒz ; bɪˈkəz ; NAmE bɪˈkɔːz ; bɪˈkʌz / conjunction for the reason that 因为 ◆ I did it because he told me to. 是他吩咐我才做的。 ◆ Just because I don't complain, people think I'm satisfied. 就因为我不发牢骚,大家便以为我满意了。 ▶ because of ★ / ; NAmE / preposition ◆ They are here because of us. 他们是因为我们来这里的。 ◆ He walked slowly because of his bad leg. 他因为腿不方便而行走缓慢。 ◆ Because of his wife('s) being there, I said nothing about it. 他的妻子在场,我便没提及这事。 LANGUAGE BANK 用语库 because of Explaining reasons 解释原因 ■ The number of people with diabetes is growing, partly because ofan increase in levels of obesity. 患糖尿病的人数不断上升,部份原因是肥胖人数增加。 ■ The number of overweight children has increased dramatically in recent years, largely as a result ofchanges in diet and lifestyle. 近年来肥胖儿童的数量急剧上升,很大程度上是由饮食和生活方式的改变引起的。 ■ The increase in childhood obesity is largely due to/ the result ofchanges in lifestyle and diet over the last twenty years. 肥胖儿童人数的增多主要是过去二十年来饮食和生活方式的改变所致。 ■ Many obese children are bullied at school on account oftheir weight. 许多肥胖儿童因为其体重问题在学校受到欺负。 ■ Part of the problem with treating childhood obesity stems fromthe fact that parents do not always recognize that their children are obese. 治疗肥胖儿童的困难部份源自父母有时并不认为自己的孩子肥胖。 ■ Childhood obesity may be caused bygenetic factors, as well as environmental ones. 儿童肥胖既可能由环境因素引起,也可能是遗传因素所致。 ■ ➱ Language Banks at cause, consequently, therefore be·cause / bɪˈkɒz ; bɪˈkəz ; NAmE bɪˈkɔːz ; bɪˈkʌz / because of / ; NAmE /
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