beamed [bimd]  


beamed  [bimd]

adj. 有梁的;有支撑的  v. 射出;发光;用梁支(beam的过去分词) 

The children's faces beamed with happy smiles. 孩子们的脸上充溢着幸福的笑容。
To date, the orbiter has beamed more than 100 terabits of data and photographs to Earth. That's more data on Mars than that collected by all other missions to red planet combined. 迄今为止,火星勘测轨道飞行器已经向地球发送了总量为100兆比特以上的数据和照片,这比其他火星任务所获得的数据总和还要多。

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  • adj. 有梁的;有支撑的
  • v. 射出;发光;用梁支(beam的过去分词)
  • 1. The children's faces beamed with happy smiles.


  • 2. To date, the orbiter has beamed more than 100 terabits of data and photographs to Earth. That's more data on Mars than that collected by all other missions to red planet combined.


  • 3. I beamed at him, trying wordlessly to convey by my bearing all the affection and respect that the English felt for him.


beamed / biːmd ; NAmE biːmd / adjective having beamsof wood 有木梁的 a high beamed ceiling 木梁高高支撑着的天花板 beamed / biːmd ; NAmE biːmd /
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