ADIOS [,ɑ:di'əus]  


ADIOS  [,ɑ:di'əus]

abbr. 自动数字输入输出系统(Automatic Digital Input Output System) 


Now with the right equipment, a little righteous anger, and some well-timed wit, you can say "ADIOS" with panache. 现在有了这个设备,来点小小的导火索,加上恰到好处的幽默感,你就能神气十足得跟那群人说“再见”了。
When Charles Darwin was done reading Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology, he scribbled on the last page, "if this were true[,] ADIOS theory. 查尔斯 达尔文在读过查尔斯 ·莱尔的《地质学原理》之后,草草地在书的最后一页写道:“如果这是真的,愿理论一路走好。”

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  • abbr. 自动数字输入输出系统(Automatic Digital Input Output System)
  • 1. Now with the right equipment, a little righteous anger, and some well-timed wit, you can say "ADIOS" with panache.


  • 2. When Charles Darwin was done reading Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology, he scribbled on the last page, "if this were true[,] ADIOS theory.

    查尔斯 达尔文在读过查尔斯 ·莱尔的《地质学原理》之后,草草地在书的最后一页写道:“如果这是真的,愿理论一路走好。”

  • 3. For future trends and more new concepts check Ecofriend regularly as we try bringing you only the best possible green gadgets and till then… ADIOS

    对于未来趋势及更多的新设计理念,请时常关注Ecofriend网站,我们会给你带来最好的环保新发明。 再见(西班牙语)!

  • adios (interj.) 1837, American English, from Spanish adios, from phrase a dios vos acomiendo "I commend you to God;" the French form is adieu (q.v.).
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