bashing 英 [ˈbæʃɪŋ]  


bashing  英 [ˈbæʃɪŋ]

n. 猛击,抨击;用废矸石充填采空区  v. 怒殴(bash的ing形式) 


The key is not to be buzzword compliant or to join the trendy game of buzzword bashing. 关键是不要盲目的追随这些时髦的词汇或者加入抨击这种流行词汇的游戏中。
He doesn't believe in bashing exiled writers for pandering to Western tastes -- an accusation that some have made about him as well. 余华不想抨击流亡作家,说他们是在迎合西方趣味──有些人已经对他做出了这样的指责。

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  • n. 猛击,抨击;用废矸石充填采空区
  • v. 怒殴(bash的ing形式)
  • 1. The key is not to be buzzword compliant or to join the trendy game of buzzword bashing.


  • 2. He doesn't believe in bashing exiled writers for pandering to Western tastes -- an accusation that some have made about him as well.


  • 3. So while there may be some short-term advantages to bashing China, the benefits of strategic and economic dialogue are obvious to all serious parties.


bash·ing / ˈbæʃɪŋ ; NAmE ˈbæʃɪŋ / noun [uncountable ,  countable ] ( often in compounds 常构成复合词 ) 1 ( used especially in newspapers 尤用于报章 ) very strong criticism of a person or group 猛烈抨击;严厉批评 union-bashing 对工会的猛烈抨击 2 a physical attack, or a series of attacks, on a person or group of people (对某人或群体的)殴打,接连打击 gay-bashing (= attacking homosexuals) 对同性恋者的攻击 to give sb a bashing 痛打某人 bash·ing / ˈbæʃɪŋ ; NAmE ˈbæʃɪŋ /
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