bash out  

bash out

bash out 

Bash them out the way and grab their coins to clear up the streets once and for all! 猛砸他们的出路,抓住他们的硬币清理街道一劳永逸!
In the mud behind the hut Dinesh's employees use metal bars to bash dents out of one-gallon cooking oil cans. 在小屋后面的泥地里,狄奈许的员工用金属棒将一加仑的植物油罐打出凹洞。

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  • 1. Bash them out the way and grab their coins to clear up the streets once and for all!


  • 2. In the mud behind the hut Dinesh's employees use metal bars to bash dents out of one-gallon cooking oil cans.


  • 3. "Scientific conviction comes primarily from experimental results, but it's also the job of us theorists to, if you like, bash out all the possibilities, like monkeys on a typewriter, " he says.


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