architecturally 美[,ɑrkə'tɛktʃərəli]  


architecturally  美[,ɑrkə'tɛktʃərəli]

adv. 建筑上地;关于建筑地 

Then we'll provide an overview of how these tools operate architecturally in relation to each other. 然后,我们将从体系结构的角度相对于彼此概述这些工具如何操作。
architecturally it is oppressively dull. Each of the fifty-four towns are built according to an identical plan. 建筑上也是千篇一律得令人乏味,每五十四个镇都是依照同一张图纸规划。

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  • adv. 建筑上地;关于建筑地
  • 1. Then we'll provide an overview of how these tools operate architecturally in relation to each other.


  • 2. architecturally it is oppressively dull. Each of the fifty-four towns are built according to an identical plan.


  • 3. You could also use it as a place to gather diagrams from the more detailed models of a solution, so that you can depict various architecturally significant viewpoints of that solution.


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