- Appeal means to ask, or address. If you appeal to someone's better nature, you're asking them for mercy. If a shirt doesn't appeal to you, you could also say it doesn't "speak" to you, or more simply, you don't like it.
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- v. 呼吁;上诉;吸引力
- n. 呼吁;上诉;吸引力
1. to file an appeal
2. an appeal court,an appeal judge
3. an appeal against the 3-match ban
不服禁赛 3 场令的申诉
4. mass appeal,wide appeal,popular appeal,
5. The Beatles have never really lost their appeal.
6. The prospect of living in a city holds little appeal for me.
7. a look of silent appeal
8. to launch a TV appeal for donations to the charity
9. The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm.
10. The company is appealing against the ruling.
11. The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups.
12. I am appealing on behalf of the famine victims.
13. Community leaders appealed for calm.
14. Organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic.
- appeal (n.) c. 1300, "proceeding taken to reverse a decision by submitting it to the review of a higher authority," from Old French apel "call, appeal in court" (Modern French appel), back-formation from apeler "call upon" (see appeal (v.)). Meaning "call to an authority" is from 1620s; that of "attractive power" attested by 1904.
- appeal (v.) early 14c., originally in legal sense of "to call" to a higher judge or court, from Anglo-French apeler "to call upon, accuse," Old French apeler "make an appeal" (11c., Modern French appeler), from Latin appellare "to accost, address, appeal to, summon, name," iterative of appellere "to prepare," from ad "to" (see ad-) + pellere "to beat, push, drive" (from PIE root *pel- (5) "to thrust, strike, drive").
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