animal 英 [ˈænɪml]   美 [ˈænəməl]


animal  英 [ˈænɪml] 美 [ˈænəməl]

n. 动物 


a small furry animal 毛茸茸的小动物
This product has not been tested on animals. 这种产品尚未在动物身上试验。

  • An animal is a particular kind of living organism, one that can move voluntarily and can find and digest food. Your favorite animal might be the naked mole rat, but probably not.
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  • n. 动物
  • 1. a small furry animal


  • 2. This product has not been tested on animals.


  • 3. She's not a political animal.


  • animal (adj.) late 14c., "pertaining to the animal spirit of man," that is, "pertaining to the merely sentient (as distinguished from the intellectual, rational, or spiritual) qualities of a human being," from Latin animalis, from animale (see animal (n.)).
  • animal (n.) early 14c., "any sentient living creature" (including humans), from Latin animale "living being, being which breathes," noun use of neuter of animalis (adj.) "animate, living; of the air," from anima "breath, soul; a current of air" (from PIE root *ane- "to breathe;" compare deer). A rare word in English before c. 1600, and not in KJV (1611). Commonly only of non-human creatures. It drove out the older beast in common usage. Used derisively of brutish humans (in which the "animal," or non-rational, non-spiritual nature is ascendant) from 1580s.
ani·mal / ˈænɪml ; NAmE ˈænɪml / noun , adjective animal animals noun 1 a creature that is not a bird, a fish, a reptile,an insect or a human 兽;牲畜;动物(不包括鸟、鱼、爬行动物、昆虫和人) the animals and birds of South America 南美的鸟兽 a small furry animal 毛茸茸的小动物 Fish oils are less saturated than animal fats. 鱼油不如动物脂肪饱和。 domestic animals such as dogs and cats 狗猫之类的家畜 2 any living thing that is not a plant or a human 动物(不包括植物或人的生物) the animal kingdom 动物界 This product has not been tested on animals. 这种产品尚未在动物身上试验。 3 any living creature, including humans 动物(包括人) Humans are the only animals to have developed speech. 人是唯一发展出语言的动物。 collocationsat life compare vegetable1 () 4 a person who behaves in a cruel or unpleasant way, or who is very dirty 衣冠禽兽;残暴的人;卑鄙下流的人 The person who did this is an animal, a brute. 干这种事的人是畜生,是野兽。 5 a particular type of person, thing, organization, etc. 某类型的人(或事物、机构等) She's not a political animal. 她不是搞政治的那种人。 The government that followed the election was a very different animal. 选举后的政府与前一届截然不同。 see also dumb animal , higher animals adjective [only before noun ] relating to the physical needs and basic feelings of people 肉体的;肉欲的;情欲的 animal desires/passion/instincts 兽欲;肉欲激情;情欲本能 animal magnetism (= a quality in sb that other people find attractive, usually in a sexual way) 对异性的吸引力 ani·mal / ˈænɪml ; NAmE ˈænɪml /
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