alone 英 [əˈləʊn]   美 [əˈloʊn]


alone  英 [əˈləʊn] 美 [əˈloʊn]

adj. 独自的;孤独的  adv. 独自地;单独地 

she left alone. 她独自离开了。
He lives alone. 他独居独处。

  • The word alone comes from a combination of the Middle English words "all" and "one," which is really all you need to know to understand the word. A person who is alone is all-in-one; there's no one else around.
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  • adj. 独自的;孤独的
  • adv. 独自地;单独地
  • 1. she left alone.


  • 2. He lives alone.


  • 3. I don't like going out alone at night.


  • 4. She was sitting all alone in the hall.


  • 5. It's hard bringing up children alone.


  • 6. The shoes alone cost £200.

    仅鞋子一项就花了 200 英镑。

  • alone (adj., adv.) "unaccompanied, solitary; without companions, solitary," c. 1300 contraction of all ane, from Old English all ana "unaccompanied, all by oneself," literally "wholly oneself," from all "all, wholly" (see all) + an "one" (see one). It preserves the old pronunciation of one. Similar compounds are found in German (allein) and Dutch (alleen). Sense of "and nothing else" ("Man shall not live on bread alone") is from c. 1200. Related: Aloneness. Adverbial alonely seems to be obsolete since 17c.
alone / əˈləʊn ; NAmE əˈloʊn / adjective [not before noun ] adverb 1 without any other people 独自 I don't like going out alone at night. 我不喜欢夜晚单独外出。 He lives alone. 他独居独处。 Finally the two of us were alone together. 最后只有我们两人在一起。 She was sitting all alonein the hall. 她一个人坐在大厅里。 Tom is not alone infinding Rick hard to work with. 并不只是汤姆一人认为里克难以共事。 2 without the help of other people or things 独力;单独 It's hard bringing up children alone. 一个人独力抚养孩子是艰难的。 The assassin said he had acted alone. 暗杀者声称他当时单独行动。 3 lonely and unhappy or without any friends 孤苦伶仃;无依无靠;孤独;寂寞 Carol felt all alone in the world. 卡罗尔感到自己在世界上无依无靠。 I've been so alone since you went away. 你走了以后我一直很寂寞。 4 used after a noun or pronoun to show that the person or thing mentioned is the only one (用于名词或代词后)唯一,只有 You can't blame anyone else; you alone made the decision. 你不能责怪任何人,是你一人做的决定。 5 used after a noun or pronoun to emphasize one particular thing (用于名词或代词后以加强语气)仅仅,单,只 The shoes alone cost £200. 仅鞋子一项就花了 200 英镑。 IDIOMS go it aˈlone to do sth without help from anyone 独力;独自干;单干 Andrew decided to go it alone and start his own business. 安德鲁决定独力开办自己的企业。 leave/let sb alone to stop annoying sb or trying to get their attention 不打扰;不惊动 She's asked to be left alone but the press photographers follow her everywhere. 她要求别打扰她,但是摄影记者到处都跟着她。 leave/let sth alone to stop touching, changing, or moving sth 不碰;不变动;不移动 I've told you before—leave my things alone! 我告诉过你,别碰我的东西! let alone used after a statement to emphasize that because the first thing is not true or possible, the next thing cannot be true or possible either 更不用说 There isn't enough room for us, let alone any guests. 连我们都没有足够的空间,更不用说客人了。 stand aˈlone 1 to be independent or not connected with other people, organizations or ideas 单独;独立 These islands are too small to stand alone as independent states. 这些岛屿太小,不能算是独立的国家。 2 to be not near other objects or buildings 孤零零地矗立 The arch once stood alone at the entrance to the castle. 拱门曾经孤零零地矗立在城堡的入口处。 more at time n. WHICH WORD? 词语辨析 alone / lonely / lone Alone,and on your own/ by yourself(which are less formal and are the normal phrases used in spoken English), describe a person or thing that is separate from others. They do not mean that the person is unhappy. *alone 和不太正式、常用于英语口语的 on your own、by yourself 均指独自,但无孤独之意: I like being alone in the house. 我喜欢独自一人待在家里。 I’m going to London by myself next week. 我准备下星期一个人去伦敦。 I want to finish this on my own (= without anyone’s help). 我想独自完成这项工作。 Lone / Lone mean that there is only one person or thing there; loneand solitarymay sometimes suggest that the speaker thinks the person involved is lonely. *lone、solitary、single 意为单独; lone 和 solitary 有时可能暗示说话者认为谈及的人孤单: a lone jogger in the park 在公园里独自慢跑的一个人 long, solitary walks 独自一人长途行走 Lonely( NAmEalso lonesome) means that you are alone and sad. *lonely (美式英语亦作 lonesome)意为孤寂: a lonely child 孤寂的孩子 Sam was very lonely when he first moved to New York. 萨姆刚搬到纽约时非常寂寞。 It can also describe places or activities that make you feel lonely. *lonely 还可描述使人感到孤寂的地方或活动: a lonely house 一座冷清的房子 alone / əˈləʊn ; NAmE əˈloʊn /
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