addition 英 [əˈdɪʃn]   美 [əˈdɪʃən]


addition  英 [əˈdɪʃn] 美 [əˈdɪʃən]

n. 添加;加法;增加物 


children learning addition and subtraction 学习加减的儿童
an addition to the family  这家新添的一口人(又生了一个孩子)

  • An addition is the act of adding something new, like a baby — a new addition to your family — or what you do in math class: the addition of columns of numbers to get the sum.
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  • n. 添加;加法;增加物
  • 1. children learning addition and subtraction


  • 2. an addition to the family


  • 3. architects who specialize in home additions


  • addition (n.) late 14c., "action of adding numbers;" c. 1400, "that which is added," from Old French adition "increase, augmentation" (13c.), from Latin additionem (nominative additio) "an adding to, addition," noun of action from past participle stem of addere "add to, join, attach" (see add). Phrase in addition to "also" is from 1680s.
add·ition / əˈdɪʃn ; NAmE əˈdɪʃn / noun 1 [uncountable ] the process of adding two or more numbers together to find their total 加;加法 children learning addition and subtraction 学习加减的儿童 OPP subtraction 2 [countable ] addition(to sth) a thing that is added to sth else 增加物;添加物 the latest addition to our range of cars 我们汽车系列新增加的款式 an addition to the family (= another child) 这家新添的一口人(又生了一个孩子) 3 [uncountable ] addition(of sth) the act of adding sth to sth else 增加;添加 Pasta's basic ingredients are flour and water, sometimes with the addition ofeggs or oil. 意大利面制品的主要成分是面粉和水,有时加鸡蛋和食用油。 4 ( NAmE) ( BrE extension ) [countable ] addition(to sth) a new part that is added to a building (建筑物的)扩建部份,增建部份 architects who specialize in home additions 专门从事住宅扩建的建筑师 IDIOM in addition (to sb/sth) used when you want to mention another person or thing after sth else 除…以外(还) In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight. 除了这些安排以外,另增救护车值班至午夜。 There is, in addition, one further point to make. 此外,还有一点要说。 LANGUAGE BANK 用语库 addition Adding another item 补充说明 Bilingual children do better in IQ tests than children who speak only one language. In addition/ What is more,they seem to find it easier to learn third or even fourth languages. 讲两种语言的儿童比只讲一种语言的儿童智商测试得分更高。此外/而且,讲两种语言的儿童似乎在学习第三甚至第四种语言时觉得更容易。 Learning another language not onlyimproves children's job prospects in later life, but alsoboosts their self-esteem. 学习另一种语言不仅可以提升儿童未来的职业前景,而且可以增强他们的自尊心。 Teaching children a second language improves their job prospects in later life. Otherbenefits includeincreased self-esteem and greater tolerance of other cultures. 教儿童第二语言可以提升他们未来的职业前景。此外,还可以使他们获得更强的自信心,对其他文化更包容。 Another/ One further/ One additionalreason for encouraging bilingual education is that it boosts children's self-esteem. 另一个鼓励双语教育的原因是它能增强儿童的自尊心。 Studies suggest that bilingual children find it easier to learn additional languages. There is, moreover,increasing evidence that bilingual children perform better across a range of school subjects, not just foreign languages. 研究表明,讲两种语言的儿童学习其他语言觉得更容易。此外,越来越多的证据表明,讲两种语言的儿童不仅在外语学习上,同时在其他各门学科的学习上都表现得更好。 His claim that children find bilingual education confusing is based on very little evidence. Moreover,the evidence he does provide is seriously flawed. 他认为双语教育会使儿童感到迷惑的说法几乎是没有依据的。况且,他仅有的证据也是有严重缺陷的。 Research has shown that first-language development is not impeded by exposure to a second language. Furthermore,there is no evidence to support the claim that children find bilingual education confusing. 研究已经表明,接触第二语言不会妨碍第一语言的发展。而且,没有证据支持双语教育使儿童感到迷惑这种说法。 addition additions add·ition / əˈdɪʃn ; NAmE əˈdɪʃn /
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