addictive 英 [əˈdɪktɪv]   美 [əˈdɪktɪv]


addictive  英 [əˈdɪktɪv] 美 [əˈdɪktɪv]

adj. 使人上瘾的 

Heroin is highly addictive. 海洛因很容易使人上瘾。
I find jogging very addictive. 我觉得慢跑锻炼很使人着迷。

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  • adj. 使人上瘾的
  • 1. Heroin is highly addictive.


  • 2. I find jogging very addictive.


  • addictive (adj.) 1815, a word in chemistry and medicine; 1939 in the narcotics sense, from addict (v.) + -ive. Related: Addictively; addictiveness.
ad·dict·ive / əˈdɪktɪv ; NAmE əˈdɪktɪv / adjective 1 if a drug is addictive,it makes people unable to stop taking it 使人上瘾的 Heroin is highly addictive. 海洛因很容易使人上瘾。 2 if an activity or type of behaviour is addictive,people need to do it as often as possible because they enjoy it 使人入迷的 I find jogging very addictive. 我觉得慢跑锻炼很使人着迷。 ad·dict·ive / əˈdɪktɪv ; NAmE əˈdɪktɪv /
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