addict 英 [ˈædɪkt]   美 [əˈdɪkt]


addict  英 [ˈædɪkt] 美 [əˈdɪkt]

n. 有瘾的人;入迷的人 

进行时:addicting  过去式:addicted  过去分词:addicted  第三人称单数:addicts  名词复数:addicts 

a heroin addict, a drug addict, a nicotine addict 吸食海洛因╱毒品╱尼古丁成瘾的人
a video game addict 游戏机迷

  • If you are a cookie addict, it means you are addicted to cookies. You just can't get enough of them.
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  • n. 有瘾的人;入迷的人
  • 1. a heroin addict, a drug addict, a nicotine addict


  • 2. a video game addict


  • addict (n.) "one given over to some practice," 1909, first in reference to morphine, from addict (v.).
  • addict (v.) 1530s (implied in addicted) "to devote or give up (oneself) to a habit or occupation," from Latin addictus, past participle of addicere "to deliver, award, yield; make over, sell," properly "give one's assent to," figuratively "to devote, consecrate; sacrifice, sell out, betray, abandon," from ad "to" (see ad-) + dicere, which was usually "to say, declare" (from PIE root *deik- "to show," also "pronounce solemnly"), but also "adjudge, allot." "It is a yielding to impulse, and generally a bad one" [Century Dictionary]. Related: Addicted; addicting.
ad·dict / ˈædɪkt ; NAmE ˈædɪkt / noun 1 a person who is unable to stop taking harmful drugs 吸毒成瘾的人;瘾君子 a heroin/drug/nicotine addict 吸食海洛因╱毒品╱尼古丁成瘾的人 2 a person who is very interested in sth and spends a lot of their free time on it 对…入迷的人 a video game addict 游戏机迷 addict addicts addicted addicting ad·dict / ˈædɪkt ; NAmE ˈædɪkt /
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