Prime Minister  

Prime Minister

Prime Minister 

phrase. 首相,总理 

名词复数:prime ministers 

Did you listen in to the Prime Minister yesterday evening? 你昨晚收听首相的广播讲话了吗?
He met with the Prime Minister of Japan for an hour and a half. 他和日本首相会晤了一个半小时。

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  • phrase. 首相,总理
  • 1. Did you listen in to the Prime Minister yesterday evening?


  • 2. He met with the Prime Minister of Japan for an hour and a half.


  • 3. He was deselected by his local constituency party because he didn't support the Prime Minister.


  • prime minister 1640s, see prime (adj.) and minister (n.). Applied to the First Minister of State of Great Britain since 1694.
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