abbr. 个人数字助理(等于Personal Digital Assistant);秀恩爱(Public Display of Affection) 


PDA tells the query optimizer whether an operation can be performed at a remote data source. PDA 告诉查询优化器一个操作是否可以在某个远程数据源上执行。
Jobs believed that combining a cell phone with the core functions of a PDA, however, would result in a truly useful device. 乔布斯相信,如果将一部手机和一部 PDA 的核心功能相结合,则能产生一部真正有用的设备。

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  • abbr. 个人数字助理(等于Personal Digital Assistant);秀恩爱(Public Display of Affection)
  • 1. PDA tells the query optimizer whether an operation can be performed at a remote data source.

    PDA 告诉查询优化器一个操作是否可以在某个远程数据源上执行。

  • 2. Jobs believed that combining a cell phone with the core functions of a PDA, however, would result in a truly useful device.

    乔布斯相信,如果将一部手机和一部 PDA 的核心功能相结合,则能产生一部真正有用的设备。

  • 3. You can view performance from a business dashboard or have the environment notify you of business situations via alerts to your dashboard, PDA, email, or phone.


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