Epsom salts  

Epsom salts

Epsom salts 

phrase. 泻盐(指硫酸镁) 

名词复数:epsom saltss 

Try taking nice hot bath with Epsom salts to help relieve some of your back pain. 试试用泻盐好好洗个热水澡,对减轻背痛很有效的哦。
The tanks are slightly larger than a twin-sized bed, filled with 10 inches of body-temperature water and about 800 pounds of Epsom salts. 浮箱的面积比双人床稍大,里面装有齐膝深的温水,水中溶解了360公斤的浴盐。

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  • phrase. 泻盐(指硫酸镁)
  • 1. Try taking nice hot bath with Epsom salts to help relieve some of your back pain.


  • 2. The tanks are slightly larger than a twin-sized bed, filled with 10 inches of body-temperature water and about 800 pounds of Epsom salts.


  • 3. I cup of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) added to your bath water will relax your nervous system, draw out toxins, relax muscles and even reduce swelling.


  • Epsom salts magnesium sulphate, 1770, obtained from Epsom water, the water of a mineral spring at Epsom in Surrey, England, the medicinal properties of which were discovered in Elizabethan times. The place name is recorded c.973 as Ebbesham, literally "Ebbi's homestead," from the name of some forgotten Anglo-Saxon. The mineral supply there was exhausted 19c.
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