EQ 美[,i'kju]  


EQ  美[,i'kju]

abbr. 情商(Emotional Quotient);均衡器;电器极(Electrical Quadrupole) 


To develop your EQ, you have to know where you stand now, what is your starting point. 为了发展你的情商,你必须对自身现有的状况进行了解,这只是开端.
We may realize that we have low energy (and low EQ!) when we hit a 2 or 3, but this is very likely to come after several days of slow decrease from 7-8 , then 5-6, then 2-3. 当我们的能量水平仅有2-3级的时候,我们就会发现自身处于较低的能量状况以及较低的情商下,而这种状况很有可能是从7-8级,然后5-6级,这样慢慢下降的。

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  • abbr. 情商(Emotional Quotient);均衡器;电器极(Electrical Quadrupole)
  • 1. To develop your EQ, you have to know where you stand now, what is your starting point.


  • 2. We may realize that we have low energy (and low EQ!) when we hit a 2 or 3, but this is very likely to come after several days of slow decrease from 7-8 , then 5-6, then 2-3.


  • 3. But imagine that you travel a lot all around Asia, and that you have some direct reports or peers that you see only once a month, or less. Too bad if they happen to have you on a “low-EQ day”.


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