English 英 [ˈɪŋglɪʃ]   美 [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]


English  英 [ˈɪŋglɪʃ] 美 [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]

adj. 英国的;英文的  n. 英语;英国人 


a degree in English 英语学位
I need to improve my English. 我需要提高我的英语水平。

  • Things pertaining to the land or culture of England are referred to as being English. This includes the people of England as well as the language spoken there, which was brought to the American colonies by the English explorers.
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  • adj. 英国的;英文的
  • n. 英语;英国人
  • 1. a degree in English


  • 2. I need to improve my English.


  • 3. She speaks good English.


  • 4. the English countryside


  • 5. an English dictionary


  • English (adj.) Old English, "belonging to the English people;" late 13c., "belonging to England," from English (n.1). The adjective in Old English meant "of or pertaining to the Angles." The adverb Englishly (mid-15c.) is rare.
  • English (n.1) "the people of England; the speech of England," noun use of Old English adjective Englisc (contrasted to Denisc, Frencisce, etc.), "of or pertaining to the Angles," from Engle (plural) "the Angles," the name of one of the Germanic groups that overran the island 5c., supposedly so-called because Angul, the land they inhabited on the Jutland coast, was shaped like a fish hook (see angle (n.)). The use of the word in Middle English was reinforced by Anglo-French Engleis. Cognates: Dutch Engelsch, German Englisch, Danish Engelsk, French Anglais (Old French Engelsche), Spanish Inglés, Italian Inglese.
  • English (n.2) "spin imparted to a ball" (as in billiards), 1860, from French anglé "angled" (see angle (n.)), which is similar to Anglais "English."
  • english (v.) "to translate into English," late 14c., from English (n.1) in the language sense. Related: Englished; englishing.
Eng·lish / ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ; NAmE ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ / noun , adjective English Englishes noun 1 [uncountable ,  countable ] the language, originally of England, now spoken in many other countries and used as a language of international communication throughout the world 英语;英文 She speaks good English. 她英语说得很好。 I need to improve my English. 我需要提高我的英语水平。 world Englishes 世界各地的英语 2 [uncountable ] English language or literature as a subject of study (作为一门学科的)英语语言文学;英语学科 a degree in English 英语学位 English is my best subject. 英语是我学得最好的一门科目。 3 the English [plural ] the people of England (sometimes wrongly used to mean the British, including the Scots, the Welsh and the Northern Irish) 英格兰人(有时误用以指包括苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰人在内的英国人) IDIOMsee plain adj. adjective connected with England, its people or its language 英格兰的;英格兰人的;英语的 the English countryside 英格兰乡村 an English man/woman 英格兰男人╱女人 typically English attitudes 典型的英国式作风 an English dictionary 英语词典 note at British Eng·lish / ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ; NAmE ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ /
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