Bigfoot 英 ['bɪɡfʊt]   美 ['bɪg,fʊt]


Bigfoot  英 ['bɪɡfʊt] 美 ['bɪg,fʊt]

n. 大脚;传说中生存于北美洲西北部太平洋沿岸森林中的野人(等于Sasquatch) 


In “Bigfoot Dreams” (1986) a woman loses her job and is forced to reassess her life. 在《大脚美梦》(1986)中,一个女人丢了工作而被迫重新审视自己的生活。
America's interest in Sasquatch — later to become known as Bigfoot — grew after stories of its existence were serialized in newspapers at the turn of the 20th century. 自从在20世纪初美国报纸上连载有关大脚怪的文章时,美国人对北美野人——也就是后来的大脚怪——兴趣大涨。

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  • n. 大脚;传说中生存于北美洲西北部太平洋沿岸森林中的野人(等于Sasquatch)
  • 1. In “Bigfoot Dreams” (1986) a woman loses her job and is forced to reassess her life.


  • 2. America's interest in Sasquatch — later to become known as Bigfoot — grew after stories of its existence were serialized in newspapers at the turn of the 20th century.


  • 3. Look great But in my opinion, is not very big and ancient women used to tie with the feet, normal feet "Bigfoot, People used to say "little things", with normal word, it is called "big".


  • bigfoot (n.) supposed elusive man-like creature of the Pacific Northwest, 1963, from big (adj.) + foot (n.).
Big·foot / ˈbɪɡfʊt ; NAmE ˈbɪɡfʊt / noun ( plural Big·feet ) ( also Sas·quatch ) a large creature covered with hair like an ape,which some people believe lives in western N America (据信出没于北美西部的)大脚野人,大脚怪 Bigfoot Bigfeet Big·foot / ˈbɪɡfʊt ; NAmE ˈbɪɡfʊt /
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