a 英 [ə]   美 [eɪ]


a  英 [ə] 美 [eɪ]

art. 一;任一;每一 


a hat 一顶帽子。
call a taxi . 叫一辆出租车。

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  • art. 一;任一;每一
  • 1. a hat


  • 2. call a taxi .


  • 3. a friend


a / ə ; NAmE ə / / strong form strong form / ( also an ) indefinite article HELP  The form ais used before consonant sounds and the form anbefore vowel sounds. When saying abbreviations like ‘FM’ or ‘UN’, use aor anaccording to how the first letter is said. For example, Fis a consonant, but begins with the sound /e/ and so you say: an FM radio. Uis a vowel but begins with /j/ and so you say: a UN declaration. *a 用于辅音前,an 用于元音前。在 FM、UN 等缩略语前,用 a 还是用 an,需视首字母如何发音而定。如 F 是辅音字母,但其发音以 /e/ 开头,故应说:an FM radio。U 是元音字母,但其发音以 /j/ 开头,故应说:a UN declaration。 1 used before countable or singular nouns referring to people or things that have not already been mentioned (用于可数名词或单数名词前,表示未曾提到的)一(人、事、物) a man/horse/unit 一个人;一匹马;一个单位 an aunt/egg/hour/x-ray 一位姑母;一颗鸡蛋;一小时;一张 X 光片 I can only carry two at a time. 我一次只能带两个。 There's a visitor for you. 有位客人找你。 She's a friend of my father's (= one of my father's friends). 她是我父亲的朋友。 2 used before uncountable nouns when these have an adjective in front of them, or phrase following them (用于前有形容词或后有短语的不可数名词前) a good knowledge of French 精通法语 a sadness that won't go away 挥之不去的悲愁 3 any; every 任何一;每一 A lion is a dangerous animal. 狮子是猛兽。 4 used to show that sb/sth is a member of a group or profession (表示为某一群体或职业中的一员) Their new car's a BMW. 他们的新轿车是辆宝马。 She's a Buddhist. 她是佛教徒。 He's a teacher. 他是教师。 Is that a Monet (= a painting by Monet)? 那是莫奈的画吗? 5 used in front of two nouns that are seen as a single unit (用于视为一体的两个名词之前) a knife and fork 一副刀叉 6 used instead of onebefore some numbers (用于某些数字前,代替 one) A thousand people were there. 那里有一千人。 7 used when talking about prices, quantities and rates (用于价格、数量、比率等)一,每一 SYN per They cost 50p a kilo. 其价钱是一公斤 50 便士。 I can type 50 words a minute. 我每分钟能打 50 个单词。 He was driving at 50 miles an hour. 当时他正以每小时 50 英里的速度驾车。 8 a person like sb 像(某人)的人;…式的人物 She's a little Hitler. 她是个小希特勒。 9 used before sb's name to show that the speaker does not know the person (用于某人姓名前,表示说话者不认识此人)有个 There's a Mrs Green to see you. 有位格林太太要见你。 10 used before the names of days of the week to talk about one particular day (用于一星期中某天的名称前,表示具体某一天) She died on a Tuesday. 她是在某个星期二去世的。 a / ə ; NAmE ə / A / ; NAmE / noun , symbol , abbreviation noun ( alsoa ) ( plural As , A's , a's / eɪz ; NAmE eɪz / ) 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] the first letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第 1 个字母 ‘Apple’ begins with (an) A/‘A’. *apple 一词以字母 a 开头。 2 A [countable ,  uncountable ] ( music ) the 6th note in the scaleof C major *A 音(C 大调的第 6 音或音符) 3 [countable ,  uncountable ] the highest mark/grade that a student can get for a piece of work or course of study (学业成绩)第一等,优,甲 She got (an) A in/forBiology. 她生物科成绩得 A。 He had straight A's (= nothing but A's)all through high school. 他读中学时成绩全部是 A。 4 A [uncountable ] used to represent the first of two or more possibilities (表示两个或更多可能性中的)第一个 Shall we go for plan A or plan B? 我们采用第一方案还是第二方案? 5 A [uncountable ] used to represent a person, for example in an imagined situation or to hide their identity (代表一个假设的或不指名的人)甲 Assume A knows B is guilty. 假定甲知道乙应负罪责。 see also A-frame , A level , A-road IDIOMS from A to B from one place to another 从一地到另一地 For me a car is just a means of getting from A to B. 在我看来,汽车只不过是从一地到另一地的代步工具。 from A to Z including everything there is to know about sth 从头到尾;彻底地;完全 He knew his subject from A to Z. 他通晓自己的学科。 symbol 1 used in Britain before a number to refer to a particular important road *A 级公路,干线公路(英国公路代号,后接数字) the A34 to Newbury 通往纽伯里的 A34 号(干线)公路 2 used (but not in the US) before numbers which show standard metricsizes of paper (除美国外,用于数字前表示标准纸张尺寸) A …号纸(尺寸) a sheet of A4paper (= 297×210mm) 一张 A4 号纸(= 297 × 210 毫米) A3 (= 420×297mm) *A3 号纸(= 420 × 297 毫米) A5 (= 210×148mm) *A5 号纸(= 210 × 148 毫米) abbreviation (in writing) amp(s) (书写形式)安,安培(电流单位) A / ; NAmE / a's / eɪz ; NAmE eɪz /
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