- If you're able to juggle, you'll go far in life. To be able is to have the skill, knowledge, or permission to do something.
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- adj. 能;有能力的;能干的
1. she is able to ride a unicycle
2. You must be able to speak French for this job.
3. Will you be able to come?
4. the ablest student in the class
- able (adj.) "having sufficient power or means," early 14c., from Old French (h)able "capable; fitting, suitable; agile, nimble" (14c.), from Latin habilem, habilis "easily handled, apt," verbal adjective from habere "to hold" (from PIE root *ghabh- "to give or receive").
able ★ WORD FAMILY able adjective (≠unable ) ably adverb ability noun (≠inability ) disabled adjective disability noun / ˈeɪbl ; NAmE ˈeɪbl / adjective 1 ★ ableto do sth ( used as a modal verb 用作情态动词 ) to have the skill, intelligence, opportunity, etc. needed to do sth 能;能够 ◆ You must be able to speak French for this job. 干这项工作你得会说法语。 ◆ A viral illness left her barely able to walk. 一场病毒引起的疾病使她走路都十分困难。 ◆ I didn't feel able to disagree with him. 我觉得无法不同意他的意见。 ◆ Will you be able to come? 你能来吗? OPP unable ☞note at can 1 2 ( abler / ˈeɪblə(r) ; NAmE ˈeɪblər / , ablest / ˈeɪblɪst ; NAmE ˈeɪblɪst / ) intelligent; good at sth 有才智的;有才能的;(某方面)擅长的 ◆ the ablest student in the class 班上最有才华的学生 ◆ We aim to help the less able in society to lead an independent life. 我们的宗旨是帮助社会上能力较弱的人独立生活。 ☞see also ably able abler ablest able / ˈeɪbl ; NAmE ˈeɪbl / abler / ˈeɪblə(r) ; NAmE ˈeɪblər / ablest / ˈeɪblɪst ; NAmE ˈeɪblɪst /
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