zipper 英 ['zɪpə]   美 [ˈzɪpə]


zipper  英 ['zɪpə] 美 [ˈzɪpə]

n. 拉链 


My shirt's caught in the zipper. 我的衬衫被拉链卡住了。
I want the zipper teeth to show no flap. 我想把拉链齿露在外面,不要盖儿。

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  • n. 拉链
  • 1. My shirt's caught in the zipper.


  • 2. I want the zipper teeth to show no flap.


  • 3. In 1893, he invented something like a zipper.


  • 4. Can you fix this broken zipper?


  • zipper (n.) 1925, probably an agent noun from zip (v.1). The trademark taken out on the name that year applied to a boot with zippers, not to the "lightning fastener" itself, which was so called by 1927.
zip·per / ˈzɪpə(r) ; NAmE ˈzɪpər / ( especially NAmE) ( BrE also zip , ˈzip fastener ) noun a thing that you use to fasten clothes, bags, etc. It consists of two rows of metal or plastic teeth that you can pull together to close sth or pull apart to open it. 拉链;拉锁 zipper zippers zippered zippering zip·per / ˈzɪpə(r) ; NAmE ˈzɪpər /
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