zinnia 英 ['zɪnɪə]   美 ['zɪnjə]


zinnia  英 ['zɪnɪə] 美 ['zɪnjə]

n. 百日草属植物 


NASA astronaut Scott Kelly tweeted a photo over the weekend of the first flower to ever bloom in space. Kelly cared for the orange zinnia for over a month. 美国航天局(NASA)宇航员斯科特·凯利上周末在推特发了一张照片,展示了有史以来在太空中开放的首支花朵——一支橙色的百日菊。凯利培育了一个多月才得到它。
Any of various plants of the genus zinnia, native to tropical America, especially Z. elegans, widely cultivated for its showy, rayed, variously colored flower heads. 百日菊原产美洲热带地区的一种百日菊属植物,尤其是菊科,因其有各种颜色的、艳丽的舌。

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  • n. 百日草属植物
  • 1. NASA astronaut Scott Kelly tweeted a photo over the weekend of the first flower to ever bloom in space. Kelly cared for the orange zinnia for over a month.


  • 2. Any of various plants of the genus zinnia, native to tropical America, especially Z. elegans, widely cultivated for its showy, rayed, variously colored flower heads.


  • 3. At the benign extreme, "adapting" sounds as easy as home gardeners adjusting to their new climate zones—those colorful bands on the back of the package of zinnia seeds.

    善良的人们认为,“应对” 一词听起来就像家庭园艺家适应新的气候带一样容易——只要在百日草种子包装袋的后面,贴上彩色纸带。

  • zinnia (n.) genus of herbs of the aster family, 1767, from Modern Latin (Linnæus, 1763), named for German botanist Johann Gottfried Zinn (1729-1759) + abstract noun ending -ia.
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