zero 英 [ˈzɪərəʊ]   美 [ˈzɪroʊ]


zero  英 [ˈzɪərəʊ] 美 [ˈzɪroʊ]

n. 零点,零度  num.  

进行时:zeroing  过去式:zeroed  过去分词:zeroed  第三人称单数:zeroes  名词复数:zeros 

The thermometer had fallen to zero. 温度计显示温度降到了零度。
It was ten degrees below zero last night . 昨天夜里的气温是零下 10 摄氏度。

  • Zero means nothing. When you add zero to the number one, you get the number one. If your mother says your new boyfriend is a zero, she thinks he's got nothing going for him.
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  • n. 零点,零度
  • num.
  • 1. The thermometer had fallen to zero.


  • 2. It was ten degrees below zero last night .

    昨天夜里的气温是零下 10 摄氏度。

  • 3. I rated my chances as zero.


  • 4. zero inflation


  • zero (n.) "figure which stands for naught in the Arabic notation," also "the absence of all quantity considered as quantity," c. 1600, from French zéro or directly from Italian zero, from Medieval Latin zephirum, from Arabic sifr "cipher," translation of Sanskrit sunya-m "empty place, desert, naught" (see cipher (n.)).
  • zero (v.) in zero in, 1944, from zero (n.); the image is from instrument adjustment to a setting of "zero" (1909 in this sense, originally in rifle-shooting). Related: Zeroed; zeroing.
zero / ˈzɪərəʊ ; NAmE ˈzɪroʊ ; ˈziːroʊ / number , verb zero zeros number 1 ( plural zeros ) ( BrE also nought ) 0 Five, four, three, two, one, zero… We have lift-off. 五、四、三、二、一、零… 我们升空了。 2 a temperature, pressure, etc. that is equal to zeroon a scale (气温、压力等的)零度,零点 It was ten degrees below zero last night (= −10°C). 昨天夜里的气温是零下 10 摄氏度。 The thermometer had fallen to zero. 温度计显示温度降到了零度。 3 the lowest possible amount or level; nothing at all 最少量;最低点;最低程度;毫无 I rated my chances as zero. 我觉得我根本没有机会。 zero inflation 零通胀 verb ( zer·oes , zero·ing , zer·oed , zer·oed ) zerosth to turn an instrument, control, etc. to zero 将(仪器、控制装置等)调到零 PHRASAL VERB ˌzero ˈin on sb/sth 1 to fix all your attention on the person or thing mentioned 集中全部注意力于 They zeroed in on the key issues. 他们集中讨论了关键问题。 2 to aim guns, etc. at the person or thing mentioned (用枪炮等)瞄准 zero / ˈzɪərəʊ ; NAmE ˈzɪroʊ ; ˈziːroʊ /
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