yo-yo 英 ['jəʊjəʊ]   美 [ˈjoˌjo]


yo-yo  英 ['jəʊjəʊ] 美 [ˈjoˌjo]

n. 溜溜球(一种线轴般的玩具);优柔寡断  adj. 上下起落的;摇摆不定的  vi. 摇摆不定;上下起落 


yo-yo diets such as this one are not only ineffective, they’re dangerous to your heart and overall health. 溜溜球减肥法,如南海滩减肥法,不仅仅没有效果,他们对你的心脏和整个健康都有危险。
Because historically, people don’t stick to them, which creates a yo-yo effect, which paves the way for obesity. 因为从历史上看,人们不能坚持下去,这样会创造出摇摆不定的效果,反而为肥胖奠定了基础。

  • A yo-yo is a toy that's made of a string wound around two connected discs. The trick of a yo-yo is to drop the discs to the end of the string and flick them back up into your hand.
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  • n. 溜溜球(一种线轴般的玩具);优柔寡断
  • adj. 上下起落的;摇摆不定的
  • vi. 摇摆不定;上下起落
  • 1. yo-yo diets such as this one are not only ineffective, they’re dangerous to your heart and overall health.


  • 2. Because historically, people don’t stick to them, which creates a yo-yo effect, which paves the way for obesity.


  • 3. He is also looking at extending his basic prototype to use multiple kites that yo-yo: when one goes up, another goes down.

    他同时也在寻找自己创作原型的衍生作品,用几个风筝像溜溜球那样组合在一起: 一个飞上去,另一个降下来。

ˈyo-yo / ; NAmE / noun , verb , adjective yo-yo yo-yos noun ( also Yo Yo™ ) ( plural yo-yos , Yo Yos ) a toy that consists of two round pieces of plastic or wood joined together, with a piece of string wound between them. You put one end of the string around your finger and make the yo-yogo up and down. 悠悠球,溜溜球,摇摇(拉线使圆盘旋转着沿线上下来回移动) He kept bouncing up and down like a yo-yo. 他像一只悠悠球似的不停地上窜下跳。 verb [intransitive ] (+ adv./prep.) to change repeatedly in size, amount, quality, etc. from one extreme to another 上下跳动;左右摇摆 When I was young my weight yo-yoed between 140 and 190 pounds. 我年轻时体重在 140 到 190 磅之间忽上忽下。 adjective [only before noun ] changing repeatedly in size, amount, quality, etc. from one extreme to another 上下跳动的;左摇右摆的 She worries about her pattern of yo-yo dieting. 节食后体重反弹,再节食再反弹,她对这种模式很担心。 ˈyo-yo / ; NAmE /
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