yer [jɚ]  


yer  [jɚ]

pron. 你的(等于your) 


Whenever I say "I'm running through such and such state" people respond: "it’s the something or other that'll kill yer". 当我说,我正在某个州跑步,人们会立马回答说,那里的某样东西会把你坑苦了。
Southern Eyjafjallajokull (ay-yah-FYAH'-plah-yer-kuh-duhl) glacier began erupting for the second time in a month on Wednesday, sending ash several miles into the air. 在星期三,冰岛南部的艾雅法拉火山开始了一个月之内的第二次喷发,火山灰喷射到空中几英里高。

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  • pron. 你的(等于your)
  • 1. Whenever I say "I'm running through such and such state" people respond: "it’s the something or other that'll kill yer".


  • 2. Southern Eyjafjallajokull (ay-yah-FYAH'-plah-yer-kuh-duhl) glacier began erupting for the second time in a month on Wednesday, sending ash several miles into the air.


  • 3. Southern Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull (ay-yah-FYAH'-plah-yer-kuh-duhl) glacier began erupting for the second time in a month on Wednesday, sending ash several miles into the air.


yer / jə(r) ; NAmE jər / pronoun , determiner ( informal, non-standard) used in writing as a way of showing the way people sometimes pronounce the word ‘you’ or ‘your’ (书写时用,表示口语的 you 或 your) See yer when I get back. 等我回来时再见吧。 What's yer name? 你叫什么名字? yer / jə(r) ; NAmE jər /
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