xenophobic [,zino'fobɪk]  


xenophobic  [,zino'fobɪk]

adj. 恐惧外国人的 


Their system was malfunctioning, xenophobic in the economic sense, overly managed—not as bad as central planning, but way too big a state. And they just slowly dismantled it. 他们的制度机能不良,在经济层面有仇外心理,过分管理——不像中央计划经济那么糟,但局面过于庞大,而他们还在慢慢拆除。
One of the last pieces that Michelet wrote before the attack was titled “When It All Becomes Personal” and described her concern about the xenophobic society her first child would be born into. 米什赖特在恐怖袭击之前的最后一篇文章名为“如果一切都成为私人恩怨”,她在文中描述了她对仇外情绪的担心,因为她的孩子会在这样的社会中成长。

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  • adj. 恐惧外国人的
  • 1. Their system was malfunctioning, xenophobic in the economic sense, overly managed—not as bad as central planning, but way too big a state. And they just slowly dismantled it.


  • 2. One of the last pieces that Michelet wrote before the attack was titled “When It All Becomes Personal” and described her concern about the xenophobic society her first child would be born into.


  • 3. One of the worst economic myths, it plays on economic nationalism and on xenophobic feelings that are sometimes pervasive in the United States.

    这是最为差劲的经济学扯谈。 它主要利用了目前在美国无处不在的经济民族主义以及排外心态。

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