wrongfully ['rɔŋfəli]  


wrongfully  ['rɔŋfəli]

adv. 不正当地;不妥地 

All thy commandments are faithful: they persecute me wrongfully; help thou me. 你的命令尽都诚实。 他们无理地逼迫我,求你帮助我。
But the American government still considered she was, even if wrongfully convicted. 她的特赦似乎证明她并非东京玫瑰,但即便错判了她,美国政府,好莱坞与广大公众仍认为她就是那个人。

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  • adv. 不正当地;不妥地
  • 1. All thy commandments are faithful: they persecute me wrongfully; help thou me.

    你的命令尽都诚实。 他们无理地逼迫我,求你帮助我。

  • 2. But the American government still considered she was, even if wrongfully convicted.


  • 3. An occasional criminal may go free, but our goal is to ensure that no innocent person is wrongfully punished.


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