wraith 英 [reɪθ]   美 [reθ]


wraith  英 [reɪθ] 美 [reθ]

n. 幽灵;鬼魂;幻影 


I suppose the first time I encountered the word “wraith” was in the 70’s when I read JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. 我第一次读到wraith(鬼魂)这个词应该是在70年代,它当时出现在JRR·托尔金的《指环王》中。
Allen Upward wrote a sort of copycat book or parody of the Sherlock Holmes stories called Wonderful Career of Ebenezer Lobb in which he describe one of the characters as wraith-like. 他在模仿《福尔摩斯》的山寨小说《埃比尼泽·洛布的灿烂生涯》里使用了这个词,描述一个角色“像鬼魂一般”(wraith-like)。

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  • n. 幽灵;鬼魂;幻影
  • 1. I suppose the first time I encountered the word “wraith” was in the 70’s when I read JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.


  • 2. Allen Upward wrote a sort of copycat book or parody of the Sherlock Holmes stories called Wonderful Career of Ebenezer Lobb in which he describe one of the characters as wraith-like.


  • 3. I tease wraith by occasionally asking, "Does it look like me yet?" a few minutes into a new sketch or painting.


  • wraith (n.) 1510s, "ghost," Scottish, of uncertain origin. Weekley and Century Dictionary suggest Old Norse vorðr "guardian" in the sense of "guardian angel." Klein points to Gaelic and Irish arrach "specter, apparition."
wraith / reɪθ ; NAmE reɪθ / noun the ghostof a person that is seen a short time before or after that person dies (临终前后显现的)活人灵魂,鬼魂 SYN spectre a wraith-like figure (= a very thin, pale person) 瘦削苍白、幽灵似的人 wraith wraiths wraith / reɪθ ; NAmE reɪθ /
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