worksite ['wə:ksait]  


worksite  ['wə:ksait]

n. 工地 


The next day Ben gotup early and dropped the letter in the mail slot before heading to the worksite. 第二天,本起得很早,把信放进邮筒,便只身前往工地。
We can pass a road construction bill so construction crews – now sitting idle – can head back to the worksite, rebuilding roads, bridges, and airports. 我们可以通过一项公路建设法案,这样建筑工人——现在无事可做的人们——可以马上投入工地,重建公路、桥梁和机场。

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  • n. 工地
  • 1. The next day Ben gotup early and dropped the letter in the mail slot before heading to the worksite.


  • 2. We can pass a road construction bill so construction crews – now sitting idle – can head back to the worksite, rebuilding roads, bridges, and airports.


  • 3. Once a worksite is found, the job coach is responsible for providing individualized job counseling and assistance.


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